Unstoppable REI Wealth

What Separates Those That Succeed VS Those That Don't - Part 1

Episode Summary

Billy Alvaro today is doing a solo show, where he will be speaking about part one of a part two series, what separates those that succeed versus those that don't, we're gonna go through the 12 principles of success, we're going to break it down and give you my take on it. And then at the end of part two, we'll explain where this actually came from. I am not the originator at all. I am just a person that's offering you the information that's been offered to me, I live this stuff, I practice this stuff. I also preach this stuff, and I practice it and appreciate it because it works. And so if you go through and you listen to this podcast, and something resonates, you know, give me a shout out, post it tag me recommend do whatever this stuff works. If you work it, there's no magic. The magic is you got to work at what you want in life. And it all stems from how you think and what you think on a daily these 12 principles. If you execute them will change your frickin life. I swear, but don't take my word for it. At the end of part two. You'll understand where this came from, you can take his word. Enjoy the episode guys. Welcome to unstoppable real estate investing wealth. Thank you all for listening and I will see you on the next episode. When you're ready, head on over to https://billyalvaro.com https://billyssecrets.com To get some neat (and FREE) Tools | Tips | Tricks to help you in REI!

Episode Notes

Billy Alvaro today is doing a solo show, where he will be speaking about part one of a part two series, what separates those that succeed versus those that don't, we're gonna go through the 12 principles of success, we're going to break it down and give you my take on it. And then at the end of part two, we'll explain where this actually came from. I am not the originator at all. I am just a person that's offering you the information that's been offered to me, I live this stuff, I practice this stuff. I also preach this stuff, and I practice it and appreciate it because it works. And so if you go through and you listen to this podcast, and something resonates, you know, give me a shout out, post it tag me recommend do whatever this stuff works. If you work it, there's no magic. The magic is you got to work at what you want in life. And it all stems from how you think and what you think on a daily these 12 principles. If you execute them will change your frickin life. I swear, but don't take my word for it. At the end of part two. You'll understand where this came from, you can take his word. Enjoy the episode guys. Welcome to unstoppable real estate investing wealth. 

Thank you all for listening and I will see you on the next episode. 

When you're ready, head on over to:



To get some neat (and FREE) Tools | Tips | Tricks to help you in REI!

Episode Transcription

What's going on guys? Welcome back to the episode of Unstoppable REI wealth. 

I am your host Billy Alvaro, and today I'm doing a solo show, we're going to be speaking about part one of a part two series, what separates those that succeed versus those that don't, we're gonna go through the 12 principles of success, we're going to break it down and give you my take on it. And then at the end of part two, we'll explain where this actually came from. I am not the originator at all. I am just a person that's offering you the information that's been offered to me, I live this stuff, I practice this stuff. I also preach this stuff, and I practice it and appreciate it because it works. And so if you go through and you listen to this podcast, and something resonates, you know, give me a shout out, post it tag me recommend do whatever this stuff works. If you work it, there's no magic. The magic is you got to work at what you want in life. And it all stems from how you think and what you think on a daily these 12 principles. If you execute them will change your frickin life. I swear, but don't take my word for it. At the end of part two. You'll understand where this came from, you can take his word. Enjoy the episode guys. Welcome to unstoppable real estate investing wealth. 

My name is Billy Alvaro, aka the unstoppable VA, former billion-dollar mortgage banker gone bankrupt turn professional real estate investor, where each week you'll learn the tools, strategies, systems, and secrets myself and other highly successful real estate investing entrepreneurs use to start, grow and scale their businesses creating massive profits and how you can too, and we'll teach you how to put those profits to work. So you no longer have to get ready to finally experience financial freedom and generational wealth. Now let's get started. What is going on everybody? 

Welcome back to the episode of unstoppable Rei. Well, I'm your host Billy Avaro, the unstoppable VA. And I'm here today with a solo Castle probably going to do to break this up into a two-part series. If you're new to the show. I'm going to teach you how to start to grow and eventually scale your real estate investing business you could learn with me partner with me invest with me go to billyalvaro.com. Have you been to Washington for any point length in time Do you realize that I have people who are starting their businesses and people who are growing their businesses? 

And then those of scale that I'm telling you, you could learn a little bit from each guy and girl that I have on this show because everybody brings something to the table that they've been able to learn either something they fell from or something that they've done well that you can take and implement into your life in your business. Now, today, I want to speak about something that is related to real estate investing, because I mean, this is all kind of related. But this has to do with what it really takes to succeed in life, success, whatever your definition is of success if you're going to start a business, what does it take to succeed in starting that business? Now, there are a lot of people who start and succeed there are a lot more that start and then end up failing. Why are some of these people successful, and others not a lot boils it down to 13, maybe 14 different principles? I'm going to go through these in this podcast and then probably a second podcast is I don't think we're gonna have enough time to go through all and then I'm going to explain to you where I got these from. And I think most of you who are going to be listening will understand where this came from. 

So like number one, in my view is if you want to succeed, what separates those that succeed for us don't the number one thing first, which is the number one, the first on the list is a burning desire to get to the next level, you have to have a freaking internal burning desire where you're going to be unstoppable, hence, unstoppable, unstoppable in your desire to go forward and make something happen. That fire has to be in your belly to a point where nothing is going to stop you nothing is going to get in your way. You have to believe it in your mind, you have to feel it in your heart, and you have to have that fire in your belly to keep going on a daily basis, even when things look rough. When you're first starting off, and you're getting into this wholesaling business or fixing flip business, it's daunting, it's a lot of work. I don't care what the Gurus say, it's easy, you could do this overnight, everything is going to take work, it's going to take time if you're persistent in what you're doing. And you have this burning desire in your belly to want to grow and want to succeed. And you have that at the forefront of your mind every day when you get up. When you don't feel like getting out of bed, that desire should pull you out of bed, she jumps you out of your and your skin and get you to the next level and actually get you to start making something habit, desire burning desire. Number One On The List, no special order. But the first one we're going over is a desire, a burning desire to make things happen. Number two is a big one. 

This is belief, belief, and faith in yourself and belief and faith that you can do it now. You know this is a double-edged sword because when you're going down the road to success, it's very easy to start having that negative self-talk self-doubt that I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I'm able to what if this happens what happens if this goes wrong? And so I can tell you this those negative thoughts pop in your head you need to really quickly Get them out in the certain incantations that you can do to get these thoughts out of your head. But you have to have belief overall, you have to brainwash yourself on a daily basis with one of the next things we're going to talk about, which is an auto-suggestion. You need to go through and brainwash yourself on a daily basis to have your mind believe that you can achieve exactly the goal you're setting yourself out to do. Believe in yourself, belief in what you're doing believe in your cause believe in your business belief. You have to believe wholeheartedly, that the path you're on that what you're about to do, is what you want to do, and that you're going to be able to do it you have to believe in it wholeheartedly coupled with a burning desire, you stop become unstoppable. Believe in yourself, believe in everything believe in, what is gonna go on is one of the keys to success, those that fail those that that don't get themselves to the next level if you talk to them. And you find out what the hell went on in their life, most of them are going to tell you, they just didn't believe in themselves. They just didn't believe in their cause they didn't believe in what they were doing. And if you don't believe what you're doing, how in the hell, you're going to get this transfer of anybody else to believe in you or your business belief, the number two rule to success, what separates those that succeed versus those that do not? Number three, and this goes along with belief is the self-talk auto-suggestion, using affirmations, I use affirmations I use incantations, I use these on a daily basis still, to this day, it's been 14 years, I have everything that I want to go over my head, it's a 10-minute process that I go through, and I literally brainwash myself with the auto-suggestion, incantations certain phrases that are utilized to get me focused on what I'm going to do in life, whether it's a new goal, or to get my body in shape, or whatever it is that I want to achieve, I first have to believe in order to believe that I have to tell myself on a daily basis, what your mind could conceive, and what you consistently tell it on a daily, your mind will believe it. And when your mind believes it, you start to take certain actions, it all Gogo and in hand, you'll understand once we go through all 13 or 14 of these now they all kind of come together. Everything stems from one thing and we'll never make that one thing less than that what to speak about. But self-talk is key I had an exercise that was brought to my attention years ago, it was probably I don't know, at this point, it's probably about 2526 27 years ago. And they spoke about this in one of my earlier podcasts and it's about your self talk what goes on in your head if you want to do an exercise and see what the hell's going on in your brain on a daily basis do this over the weekend. This was on a Saturday and Sunday, they wanted us to do this on a seven-day period, it only took me two days to realize how friggin myself talk was really self-limiting beliefs inside my head, take a piece of paper out, take a notepad on your in your notepad put in your phone in your notepad and just put positive and negative. 

And every time this is going to be daunting because your mind never stops every time something pops in your head. Is this a negative thou self-defeating thing thoughts self-limiting belief? Is it worrying? Is it fear? Is it this? Or is it something that served me to bring you up, I'm almost guaranteed that almost I guarantee you that if you go through and you do this exercise, if you're having challenges in your life, and you do this exercise, I'm guaranteeing you that 80% or more of the thoughts inside your head self-limiting thing, or negative fear-based based is just not serving you at all. And I'm guaranteeing that if you're successful, you're not going to have to do this. But if you are, I'm guaranteeing you that greater than 90% of 95% of the thoughts that are in your head self-serving, they're serving you to get to the next relevant el, and they are positive. It is positself-talktalk, it's a belief in yourself. It's you know strategies and ideas of what you can do to excel to the next level. It's a burning desire, it's belief, it's all these different things that actually propel somebody to the next level. So you want to do this exercise it's going to take you it's not going to take you two days. I think within two hours realize Holy shit, I'm not where I want to go because it's a program thinking that's going on inside my head, I'm guaranteeing these silly little things that you can do that are going to move the needle in the right direction, you have to first understand where you're at the effects are happening in your life is a cause and the causes inside your head inside your body guaranteed you Alright, next one is number four, number four on the list, separate those that succeed versus those that don't number four on the list is to go deep in whatever business you're going to go becoming come a specialist, not a generalist now, like what does that mean? Think about what you think about the comparison of going to a doctor or general practitioner. This guy goes to school, he spends a lot of time and money going through med school, but also the crap and he comes out and he's a general practitioner. He's not making a ton of money. He may be making 150 which is a lot of money, but not nearly as much as that who might be a heart surgeon specialist or brain surgeon, specialist. 

So if you want to become successful, you want to start making a lot of money for your time. time and we don't want to trade time for dollars, but based on how much money how much time you put in how much you get out, you want to specialize in whatever the hell you do and become the absolute best at. So how can that transfer over to what we do in the real estate investment market? A lot of guys and girls, when they first start, they get all jammed up, they tried to do everything, they tried to be a generalist in this real estate investing market, they tried to do subject to they tried to do wholesale, they tried to do fix and flip. They tried to do apartment buildings, they try, they try, they try, they try to try. They're trying everything. And because they're trying everything because they're trying to do it all, they never specialize in any one thing. If you're getting into this business, what I can share with you is Focus, focus on one thing that you're going to become absolutely fucking phenomenal at killing that one thing. If you're not a guy or girl that knows how to systematize bring somebody in, who does have them systematize that part of the business for you. And then once it's up and it's running, pull yourself out, then you can go on to number two and start building a different division with a different profit stream. But I'm telling you if you're going to come into this business, and you think you're going to do it all you're going to be learning and learning and learning and never really earned the money you deserve. You can make a shit ton of money in any one line you go down. We podcasting and interviewing all these guys and girls from across the nation. 

Every single person that comes on here does things a little bit differently and does things that there make all making money in real estate, some fashion, or another. They're cranking killing it in the real estate investing industry. But they're all doing things differently from wholesaling to the way they market to the way they display. If they're rehabbing if they're doing new development, if they're doing no buying, there are so many different ways to choose one path, one path, start with that one path and kill it. So specialization, becoming a specialist going deep within that line is key to making a shit ton of money and becoming a success. Now, I want to get this through because I'm saying you know, I'm relating success with money. That's not just the case we're talking about, about right now on the show about real estate success, in and of itself is not just money base, there's so much more to becoming successful. But in this show, we're talking specifically about success in your business, right. And so success in life is different if you can have a nine to five and be extremely happy and have time with your kids and family. If that's the definition of success that you're having, and you're crushing it. And you're doing exactly what you want to do, by all means, you can still apply everything that's in here. But I just want to make a differential. It's not just about money. But in this. In this podcast, we're talking about money because we are talking about real estate investing. Alright, so crush that one. Number five. Number five is visualization. And look this is what you hear all the time, right? Oh, you visualize your mind. I can't stress enough how important visualization is to whatever it is you want to do have become in life, whether it's that perfect spouse, whether it's the family that you're looking to create the business you looking to start grow and scale the home, you're looking to buy the business you want to get into the car, you want to drive the physical body you want to have, it all starts first, as visualization in your mind's eye, you have to have an ability to go in close your eyes and really see in your mind's eye what it is you want to achieve. If you make this part of your daily regimen, I do it every morning, I actually do it at night too every once in a while morning consistently and not at night, not so consistent. And even sometimes during the day, I might break out into a five-minute visualization session or 10-minute meditation. Why? Because it's important for me, it's ultra-important. And for a lot of guys and girls, that ultra-successful visualization one form or another, it's key, you have to be able to see what it is that you want before you get it and whatever it is. And I'm not just talking to get money, I'm talking anything. When I started back in the day when I got into the mortgage industry, I saw that business in my head when I was a loan officer, when I first started doing the business, I saw the size of the business that I was going to build, I knew exactly what it was going to look like I knew that 789 10 years prior to it actually happening I saw in my mind's eye. When I got into this business on the fix and flip side, the wholesale side, I saw another opportunity. And I said Holy shit, I can build this whole thing out. And I saw in my head what it looked like. And now, last year, a year and a half ago, I had this whole other vision of what I was going to build on the apartment of the essence, I have the whole thing in my head, not every detail of how it's going to look and feel. But the most part of where it's going to go is what it's going to look like in the end result. 

And now I'm just going to take the necessary steps in order to package this thing up and execute like an animal to get there. So, visualization guys, I can't stress it enough if those that succeed, versus those that don't come guaranteeing you unless they were they came into money as a kid. They visualize they see in your mind's eye they see what's happening. They have this mindset to visualize what they want to do and those that don't succeed, they're not clear, you have to be clear on what it is that you want, you have to be able to see it inside your head before you get any single thing that you see the computer that we're recording the stuff inside my office, the car that you drive, the house, that it's been a vision, somebody's vision first. And then that vision became an actual reality once they executed it. Alright, which brings me to number six, and I think we're going to stop and six would have come back to the podcast and do the remaining six or seven. So number six, and this is like, you know, right after visualizing. And the first five that we went over, this is key. Its MFA is taking massive fucking action. I speak about this a lot. And so let me just clarify, right, because taking MFA if you're in a really bad spot right now, in your life, if you're having a struggle a hard time, if you're on the like, you know, the bottom of the barrel, if you're mentally just going through some serious pain and struggle with this health issue, this is a lot going on. It's almost impossible, not 100%. But it's almost impossible to understand and take on a daily basis. massive fucking action, MFA, right? Because there's just so much going on. 

So in order to get there, there are two different mind frames with this. The first thing you need to do is have small, consistent wins. And a win could be just getting off the couch and taking a shower. If you're all fucked up. If you have so much going on. Like that was my win when I was on the bottom of the bow. Finally bankruptcy. $14 million in debt. It was me just getting off the couch when they made the mindset that I was going to use real estate investing. I had no money, no job, no income. What did I do? I'm like I can't it was it was physically impossible for me to take MFE because of the world of the way the world felt like it was on my shoulders. So what did I do? I did little things if just one little thing a day. And then that one little thing turned into two little things in free know what had momentum. And once you have momentum, all of a sudden you start you're able to move a lot faster than you were when you have the world that way he shows you still may have your problems. You suddenly have a world of weight on your shoulders, you suddenly have all this shit you're dealing with. But because you're getting up and your motion, the motion creates motion, right? You're doing something you're making something happen. 

Because you're doing that you're able to stop moving. And when you start moving at that momentum, all of a sudden, you're able to fucking hit that wind beneath your sails. I mean, yeah, the wind in your sails, and you're able to take off. And so that's when you can start taking massive fucking action. So I don't want you to get confused and be like, Look, he's telling me to take MFE but I have so much going on, I can't do it, then guess what, start doing something little wins, eventually will lead up to momentum, which eventually will lead up to you taking massive fucking action. But if you want to succeed, ultimately, you're going to have to get to the point where you're taking MFA on a daily basis. And if it's starting off with small consistent things that you're doing, do that start, get that start get that momentum, and eventually thought to MFA. 

Alright, listen, you're watching the podcast and listening to if you want any of the tools that we utilize, right, you can go to billyalvaro.com They're all on there. They're also on Billy’s secrets. If you want to invest with us, we have a lot of people right now that are investing money, tons of money with us on the fix and flip on the buy and hold on our syndication deals with the apartment that we're doing. Hit me up, go to billyalvaro.com hit on invest, you can invest with us. If you're somebody who is wholesaling. Do you want to JV we just did this past month five deals on the JV side for wholesale one, fix and flip if you have deals you want to get done? Maybe you need somebody to help close a deal with the seller because it gives you a hard time our team my team will get on the phone with you with the seller, closing it will make a JV split this deal will split the money up. If you have a sale deal you're gonna get on the state you have a deal in, in New York in New Jersey and Pennsylvania hit us we can JV if you want to partner with me on deals if you want to learn how to do what I do. Listen, baby hit me up. I'm here to make your life easier to put money in your pocket to create wealth not only for you but for me for everybody that's getting involved. So that's it. That's my story. I'm going to come back with part two of what separates those that succeed from those that don't want to come back in the second podcast. We're gonna go through the rest of these and then we're gonna reveal exactly where this came from those of you who read a lot, you're gonna realize where this came from, and I'll tell you at the end, and I think that's it, guys. Enjoy. I will see you at the next one. Thank you so much for listening to today's episode of unstoppable real estate investing wealth. My mission is to give you my listeners the blueprint for success the insider secrets for starting, growing, and scaling your real estate investing business, you can experience and live an unstoppable lifestyle. I've made it simple for you to catapult yourself to success. Go to billysecrets.com billysecrets.com There you will find every single tool, tip, trick strategy system, and secretly used to make millions of dollars as a real estate plus everything my team uses, and my guests use all in one place for you to tap into the toolkit start, grow and scale your real estate investment business. I really hope you implement what you're learning.

Outro  20:23

I hope you utilize these tools, tips, tricks, strategies, and secrets. And I hope to see you in the next episode. God bless bye bye