Unstoppable REI Wealth

UREI-36 Tables Were Turned As I Get Asked About Hindsight and Real Estate

Episode Notes

On Today's episode the tables are turned as I am being interviewed on the podcast Hindsight Hacking.  Cory Carter and Ron Cool are the two guys that helped get this podcast launched and launched the right way.  So instead of me asking the questions on this episode I am asked everything and you know that I am going to be real, be genuine and tell it like it is while I give you all as much value as possible.

As always if you need anything come find me at billyalvaro.com and billyssecrets.com

Talk to you all soon!

Episode Transcription

Billy: [00:00:00] What's going on guys. This is Billy Alvaro, the unstoppable BA, and this is episode number 36 unstoppable REI wealth today. No solo cast today. Me not interviewing anybody today, what's going to be happening is I'm going to get interviewed on somebody. Else's show hindsight hacking, but I'm going to launch it as my own.

[00:00:20] And the reason being, I owe a lot to these two cool cats that are going to be interviewing me. It's Carter and Cool from hindsight hacking, and the reason why I'm hosting their show on mine. It's because they were the two people who helped me launch the podcast. If you want to get into podcasting, if you want to learn about real estate investing, they asked me some killer questions.

[00:00:38] It's about an hour long. Hope you enjoy it. Hope you enjoy this little mix of what I'm doing with unstoppable REI. 

[00:00:47] Welcome to unstoppable real estate investing wealth. My name is Billy Alvaro, AKA the unstoppable BA former billion dollar mortgage banker gone bankrupt turn professional real estate investor where each week you'll learn the tools, strategies, systems, and secrets myself.

[00:01:05] And other, a highly successful real estate investing entrepreneurs use to start, grow and scale their businesses, creating massive profits and how you can too. And we'll teach you how to put those profits to work. So you no longer have to get ready to finally experience financial freedom. And generational wealth Nella let's get started.

[00:01:27] All right, everybody. 

[00:01:29] Cory: [00:01:29] Welcome back to another episode of hindsight hacking and today's very special guest, Mr. Billy Alvaro, the unstoppable BA and you know, Billy holds a little special place in our heart because we get a hangout with his podcasts, unstoppable REI wealth. It is an amazing podcast for anybody out there interested in the real estate.

[00:01:52] Environment, head on over to unstoppable REI wealth and any of your podcasting platforms. Now, one more story about Billy. He is a person that we get to talk about the story where he went flat, broke 14 million. In debt, 

[00:02:10] Ron: [00:02:10] that's not flat broke. Okay. That's like minus broke 

[00:02:14] Cory: [00:02:14] and so much more from the mortgage industry when it crashed.

[00:02:18] And now he is killing it, doing deals all day long. I think I saw somewhere over 1500 deals that you've done over the past. I forget exactly what the number was, but man, I love what you do. I love the. The work you put out there and how you go about your business every day. So thank you so much for being on the show.

[00:02:37] Billy: [00:02:37] My friend Carter and Cool. It's a pleasure to be here and listen, before we start shout out to both of you guys. I found you accidentally online when I was going through this whole podcast thing, and I'm not getting paid for this, but working with both of you with the professionalism and the system that you guys had to launch, the podcast, you guys killed it.

[00:02:59] I appreciate it. And what do you do? for the whole  podcast on my videos. It's like you twoguys are two very special people. I can't wait. To get out of virtual land and hang out with you guys personally, because it's like, you're my type of people. 

[00:03:11] Ron: [00:03:11] Ah, yeah. I love it. I love it. It's funny because I think what really got me hooked into like really wanting to do real estate is when you went to Costa Rica for a month and you did everything virtual before we get into that , I was like, I got to ask him about that, but we will, but before we get started, why don't you give a little backstory about who is the BA here?

[00:03:30] Billy: [00:03:30] Yeah, so the unsolved will be a my name and I live it every day. I am a guy who has a passion for real estate of a passion for helping people. I just love growing and I love making shit happen. And I found my calling in this real estate market. I've been involved with real estate since I think I was like 19, 20 years old when I bought my first house about 19 or 20, but I've had a passion for it.

[00:03:52] Since I was about 13 or 14 years old, I always knew I was going to do it, but it took me some years to get it going. And then once I got out of my last life, which was the mortgage business, that whole thing crumbled, that was $14 million in debt. I had to reinvent myself and I had an epiphany. It was July 4th, 2009 and independence day.

[00:04:11] And it was my rebirth. And I figured out that this was the path that was going to go on and I had no money. I had no job. I had no credit and I was. Close to $14 million in debt. So all that on my back, but I still had a desire and I knew what I wanted to do. I just didn't know the how. And that's the important thing I tell a lot of people like you don't have to know how to do things.

[00:04:31] You just have to have the burning desire for what you want to do and that how eventually all the time is going to come. And for me it came, but it took a lot of self study, a lot of coaching, a lot of mentoring and just absorbing. But the key thing is a lot of guys and girls out there that want to get into any type of business.

[00:04:46] They want to do it. They start going out and they learning everything, but they don't actually apply with their friggin learning. So you get stuck in this dog, chasing the tails, spinning around and they're like, it's not working. I need more information and more information. Listen, you don't need more information.

[00:05:00] What you need is the pull your big boy pants off and start making action starts making something happen. You're going to fail. You're going to screw up. Things are going to go wrong, but you'll learn what not to do. And you'll be on the right track eventually. 

[00:05:13] Cory: [00:05:13] I love that. And you talk about that so much on your show.

[00:05:16] You're like, I don't care if you listen to this, but you take one thing, like just take one thing and then go put it into play. And every time you are given those tips and tricks on your show, even in front of your guests that come on, you definitely, you keep preaching, go take some massive freaking. Action People.

[00:05:35] MFA! I mean, I 

[00:05:36] Billy: [00:05:36] look, you know, I get it. It's like I had a couple of people tell me what happens if I'm not in a position where I just, I'm not mentally there. I have a lot of stress on my shoulders. I'm going through a tough time. Listen overnight. You're not going to be a success overnight. You're not going to be able to, I take an MFA, but it starts with taking little moves on a daily basis.

[00:05:54] Little consistent, active moves that you start to do on a daily. And when you do that, you sought to get momentum. And then over time that momentum becomes MFA massive freaking action, where you're able to just implement like a beast and perpetually you just start getting better at what you,

[00:06:09]Ron: [00:06:09] yeah, I think it's funny.

[00:06:10] So I got to tell it, this is like opening the curtains here for a second. You're one of the few podcasts that Cory and I will fight over. Who's going to edit. So he was editing for a while and then I would listen to it. And then I started editing for awhile and he's like, 

[00:06:26] Cory: [00:06:26] what's going on, on Billy's show? 

[00:06:27] Ron: [00:06:27] I miss listening to Billy show and editing it.

[00:06:30] And I was like, you can listen to it on the podcast. 

[00:06:34] Billy: [00:06:34] The behind the scenes shit though, right? 

[00:06:39] Ron: [00:06:39] No, 

[00:06:39] but the of information you give freely on your show, it's unbelievable. I mean, we tell people all the time, give without expecting something in return, and guess what will happen? You'll get something in return because the universe will conspire to give that to you.

[00:06:55] You do that, man. Like you have your billyssecrets.com that. There's so much stuff that people can just go there, but if they don't implement it, it's useless. 

[00:07:06] Billy: [00:07:06] It's useless. It's just useless with me. I mean, it's like Google. I mean, you could Google anything and find out anything about anything. It's what you do with that information.

[00:07:13] And we're not no longer the information age, like we're in the information overload age to get yourself to the next level with anything. Look, you have to learn. You have to read, you have to study when you're doing it. I found that if you actually implement, as you learn. You get to where you want to go a whole lot faster.

[00:07:29] If you constantly just absorb and bring it in and you, for me, at least, cause I did that years back, you just become a, like a wealth of information, but you're not doing anything with it. And then you forget half the stuff you learn because you have to relearn. So if you learn and do it's almost like learn and teach, learn something, teach it, you absorb it even further.

[00:07:47] And so that's what I've been practicing for the last 10, 15 years of my life. And it works for me because I know what works for other successful people. So when I see something working and just implement that, and then the magic happens, shit happens. 

[00:07:59] Ron: [00:07:59] Exactly. 

[00:08:00] Cory: [00:08:00] Yeah. All right. So you've made a crucial.

[00:08:03] Justments if I remember correctly or around the time the pandemic hit last year, and I forget exactly what that was the, where you were running ads, you were doing one play for your marketing to get leads. And then all of a sudden you were no longer being even, you were no longer making the money on that you were.

[00:08:21] And so you had to make this massive shift. And I just kind of want to hear that story here, because I love the flexibility, the adaptability that occurred from that to keep your business moving forward. And then. I almost, I feel like if I remember correctly, you were working less before the pandemic, too.

[00:08:38] All of a sudden you're putting in monster days after that and just hitting the road, hitting the gas on everything. 

[00:08:45] Billy: [00:08:45] So it's a great question. And I'm going to explain what went on. So pre pandemic freaked by a good solid three years, right? The business I set this business up so it can run without me. I wanted a self-sufficient business, not have me have to be there every single day.

[00:09:00] And it took me about five, six years to get to that point. And then when I was at that point, I'm like, this is pretty cool. Like I could have the business serve me now. And I did just that. I was always a worker, like I'm always doing something, but in that particular business with easy sell, it was maybe four or five, six hours a week.

[00:09:16] At most I was working 10 to 12 hours a week in the business. Cause I had multiple meetings. That was it. Three years that went on and I was enjoying life and loving things. And I wasn't, I didn't have my foot on the gas pedal when I was really hyper-growth in the business because I was comfortable and wanted to enjoy the fruits of my labor pandemic.

[00:09:33] It. I went right back to 2006. When I lost the business. If I would have done things differently back then, cook MFA made decisions hard and quick, cut the fat really freaking fast. I would've still had the mortgage bank, unfortunately didn't do that. So I learned when the pandemic hit this time around, I went into like war zone mode.

[00:09:51] I locked myself in my home office for two days and I just went through the P and L and started cutting out every single line item. I didn't need put pauses on things that I didn't need, but I wasn't going to pay right now, mate. Arrangements with every single vendor I had out there and we, I cut over $72,000 a month overnight and I shut my office down.

[00:10:11] We went virtual. I didn't think we were going to go virtually a hundred percent. We stayed virtual until like June. And that was what three and a half, four months. And I said, well, maybe three months. And I said, you know, this is working virtually. I never saw myself without an office. What am I going to do to get myself back into this game and not, I mean, get back into this game and live in New Jersey while I have a new office in New York.

[00:10:31] And I said, you know what? I'm going to shut you off is keep it shut down and go virtual. I surveyed all my employees and all of them across the board said, we're more, we're working better or working from home or more productive. And so to lead up to your question about the marketing piece pre pandemic, we were putting out.

[00:10:47] $70,000 a month on marketing, 120,000 postcards a month. TV ads, radio show, Google pay-per-click Facebook door knocking telemarketer. We had an army of marketing because on my show, marketing is a lifeblood of every business. But when the pandemic hit, I didn't think we were going to have the times we're having now, which were booming.

[00:11:09] I went and said, Holy shit, this is going to be the next downturn. So I, New York, I shut down sort of Jersey. So I put a complete stop with all my marketing for a solid five months, July, August, maybe till August, but we still drove in business because we had a database filled with leads that we were bringing in over the course of like 10 years.

[00:11:29] So instead of us not doing anything, we just went back into the database and did database mining. And from that we sustain the business. We didn't really do as many deals as we did when we were marketing. But we sustained. And I realized, and my team realized we don't need nearly as much marketing as we thought we did drive the business forward.

[00:11:49] You still need the market, but you need to be wisely your marketing dollars. So what we did is we did a reversal. We're spending a fraction of the money upfront to drive in new leads and we've expanded the back office for when leads come in. We have heavy duty marketing on the backend, remarketing, the clients already cold in.

[00:12:06] In March. I think I posted it. We did 22 deals in March, in April. We brought in 18 deals. And now this is at a fraction of the money we were spending past band up pre post pre pandemic. 

[00:12:19] Ron: [00:12:19] I think that's amazing how you, the one thing I've learned just from listening to your show and knowing you, is that the massive freaking action, I love it.

[00:12:27] And you live that, right? I know you'll bend on a top of a dime and run the other way. Yeah. The other piece that I want to touch on. Cause I absolutely love it. Is you name your projects? I think that's cool. Not only for you to like keep it in track since there's 22 things, but your teams, you can go. How's the London bridge house going.

[00:12:47] Yes. Right. That's awesome. How do you come up with these names? 

[00:12:50] Billy: [00:12:50] It's funny. You said that because I only started doing that. About eight weeks ago, really eight weeks ago. And I said, you know, I want to start naming the houses and I want people. And now what I'm getting, the funny thing is I have people hitting me on social media, DMing, PMing, texting me and they're like, yo, what's up with the meathead house, the dog, Pat, the double Decker pecker recker house what's going on.

[00:13:14] They're all. Like, I feel like I'm part of the process and I see what's going on with the next step. So now I realized. Naming a house. And I gotta be honest with you. I got this from watching Donald Trump every time Donald Trump. This is fine. Every time this guy would get up, he would name somebody in the opposite side.

[00:13:34] He would give them a name, a very distinctive name, and he would say that name. Five 10, 20 times,Pocahontas, ah, Pocahontas, you have a pocket. This is all the people here, the side. So I'm like any would stick in people's heads, whether they like Trump or not. But we stuck in their heads when he was saying about the other people.

[00:13:52] So I said, you know what, let me start naming my houses. Who cares about the Beachwood house and the moral house. Let's get these houses, unique names, solving that it represents the house. Something funny. It's been take it off. People love it. I love 

[00:14:08] Cory: [00:14:08] getting people invested in the journey. A and maybe they're watching, maybe they're the lurkers and aren't ready to do business yet, but they're invested in what's going on.

[00:14:18] So when they are ready, Like, it's never going to be a question of who they're going to enlist to get help with. Right. Like, it's going to be the person that they've been following on the story for the London bridge house or whatever that comes in. Right. So, yeah. I love that. And definitely taking people on that.

[00:14:35] The journey is, Oh, cool. 

[00:14:39] Billy: [00:14:39] Yeah. Bringing them along with you. It gets them involved and they actually, then when you are hosting stories, it gets them to want to watch. Cause I'll put a little blur. You know, the meathead house of the London bridge house update

[00:14:55] and they see the progress and they're like, Holy shit. Like I'm understanding what you do because everybody. I've got hit across the board. Like, dude, why did you buy them on the bridge house? That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. I mean, you got to have vision to see what this house is going to look like.

[00:15:09] Ron: [00:15:09] I loved watching your projects come together because yeah, they're fricking night and day there and we can talk projects all day long. We can talk about how you're making money. I want to talk about something that's unique. I feel in your realm of business. I think to you, and this is where you're doing JV partners with people, but you don't do it to hurt them or screw them.

[00:15:32] You're doing it truly to help them. And you truly want to help every single person that you're working with and you give them options. And you're like, Hey, this might work. This might not work. One story that really resonated was I think the parents died. You had him on your show and he, wasn't sure he wasn't go with you and you went over and above and you're like, Hey, I don't even know.

[00:15:53] Where we're going to end up, but we're going to make sure we get this guy what we said we would do, period. End of story. And you ended up giving being a more, so obviously you were happy. He was happy. Everyone was happy. And the people that bought their house was happy as well. Because now if I remember correctly, his daughter has kids in the same neighborhood and the family that bought their house is a family with kids.

[00:16:15] So it was important to him that he sold that. The right way. And so I just want people to really understand it's not all about money with Billy. He really truly cares for people and wants to help people in whatever situation they happened to be in. 

[00:16:30] Billy: [00:16:30] It's got it. And I'm glad you brought that up, Ron, because I get this a lot.

[00:16:34] When I post on social media, I get a lot from realtors where they're like, you should be disgusted with yourself buying somebody's house like that. They can listen to the open market, get so much more. And I'm like they could, and guess what? I tell them, you should list your property on the open market.

[00:16:49] You'll get so much more. Like we bought a house around the corner here. In more rural where I live and this lady came off of the sign, she called up, we got the lead in and this is what I was first trading the calls I was going on appointments, which was kind of cool because I've been out of the game for so long.

[00:17:04] I haven't gone on appointments cause I've been like running the business. And so when we went there, Nicole's like, she has an offer for $275k and the person's getting a mortgage and I'm like, we're never going to be anywhere close to that. She should take the $275k. I went up to the house and I have a thing when I go to somebody.

[00:17:19] It's all about know, like, and trust. I don't care what business you're in, what you're selling, what you're buying, even doing a with you guys know, like, and trust them. I didn't like you guys. I would not be to a business with you. You gotta like the people doing business with the house. I'll make a long story short we're in there an hour and a half.

[00:17:33] We, they showed us the property. They showed us everything. We went through the whole nine yards. I didn't talk about a number, not one time 90 minutes in she's like, what do you think? I go, I'm going to treat you guys. Cause they were a little bit older than me. Not much. So it wasn't a call. My mom and dad, I said, I'll treat you guys like my brother and sister.

[00:17:48] If you were coming to me for advice, I would tell you, you have an offer for $275,000. It's a great offer. I would take the offer. If I was you, let me just take you through the challenges and the steps you're going to have to go through in order to make this offer, come to fruition and I didn't lie, or miss, I just told them the process.

[00:18:07] They were going to go through the inspections with the town, getting a mortgage, all the stuff that he knew was wrong with the property. He said, you're going to have to fix this. Cause in Jersey, you have to do a CO inspection before it. So I just laid everything out. They didn't give him an offer. They said, if you did buy it, what would it be?

[00:18:21] I go, I don't even want you going to smack. If I give it to you off, she was, well, what would it be like? It's going to be about 200,000, $75,000, less than what she had and the offer for the person down the road. Now I'm being like transparent take the offer. Right? Let us think about it. She called us up that night.

[00:18:36] We left. She called us up. I go, I think she's going to take the offer. She ended up coming back and she took the offer 202,500. This is a woman who had a valid one for $275k, but why. It wasn't because I was lying on his treating it's because I was fully freaking transparent. I told her all the pros, all the cons, and then I let her make the decision for herself.

[00:18:58] What is best for you and your husband? They wanted a quick sale. They didn't want any hassles with anything. They didn't want the house being shown. They had a boardroom list of things that it fit my criteria. If they went the other way, they were going to have to deal with all the BS and fix the property and be able to town and the COs.

[00:19:14] So we always, the rule in our business is when you meet somebody, put them in a better situation than when you've left them. And if that means sending them a referral to an attorney or giving them a referral for a realtor or us buying a house, whatever it is, leave them in a better position. And 99.9% of the cases.

[00:19:30] That's what happens. Yeah. 

[00:19:31]Cory: [00:19:31] I love that. And it's so much, so you just mentioned their whole referral piece. Like you have a very unique thing that I think Ron and I are, we really started copying a little bit, but your billyssecrets.com it's any of your guests when they have stuff like you put it there.

[00:19:49] Right. All of your free stuff we put there. Right. And so it's, it makes it easy for anybody listening to find. It makes it easy that you can, it's just one link. And I remember Ron and I like our first hundred episodes. Every show had a different place for people to go to get the. Cool thing that they could have heard.

[00:20:08] And but you're out there just trying to help provide that. So walk us through Billy secrets a little bit

[00:20:14] Billy: [00:20:14] Before I had the podcast 

[00:20:16] before doing any of this in the podcasts. Again, it's been such a blessing. It's opened up more doors for me with many different solid quality people. And it's because you guys helped me out and watch it.

[00:20:25] So again, but the billyssecrets thing, I would get phone calls and I would get emails and text messages and just random people. Sometimes they were friends. Sometimes I had no idea. Like, how do, who do you have for this? I need somebody to do my marketing. I need a list source. Who do you use to run your comps?

[00:20:41]What system do you use for this? And I'm like, you know what? I can't do it anymore because I have to go on my phone. I have to look for who that person is. Then I have to copy it, send it over and they don't want to help with, we do that two or three times a day, five, 10 minutes. It just eats up your time.

[00:20:56] I said to my assistant, I'm done. I want to be able to serve, but I want to be able to do it on my terms. Put up Billy secrets, every freaking secret. I have every tool, every trick, every system, every whatever it is, don't get on there. And when we have a new one, put it on, you have the link to the people.

[00:21:12] When they call in. If somebody emails me, I have an order of his father goes right back out. Hey, cause I have their emails. Go to billysecrets. If you want to learn about X, Y, Z. If they call me, I send them out my assistant. Oh yeah. I think he has it on billyssecrets. So it just brings everything in nice and simple.

[00:21:25] I like simple go to billyssecrets. Any tool I use you then know if I talk about it a little podcast. I don't have to remember what the URL is. Oh, go to Billy secrets. Just look at it. You'll find it. Go to billyssecrets will be the MLS comp map. It's just easy managers keeps it simple, easy. Everybody knows where to go.

[00:21:40] Go to Billy secrets. You'll find that all my secrets that I use, my tools, my tips, my tricks. Everything inside the business and those that my guests use. Cause I have a lot of guests who have some killer freaking programs guys on that just are knocking it out of the park with certain things. And instead of having it all over the place in 50 different spots, like you guys were doing one spot easy, keep it simple.

[00:21:59] Ron: [00:21:59] Oh, yeah, absolutely. And we loved it. We loved it so much. So we're not going to give it away. There's a surprise coming for you, I think. But we loved it so much that we've implemented it for our own stuff. It's like, cause the other piece it does, it gets the people that you're serving. To know, like, and trust you even more because you're the person that's categorizing it, making sure it's easy to find.

[00:22:25] They don't have to go search it anytime. Like Google, I love Google, but every time I'm sick, if I Google what it is, I'm dying. Like I'm going to be dead. So my wife's like why even bother? And I go, I Googled it. I'm going to be dying soon. So yeah. We should go upstairs for like,

[00:22:44]listening to that. Sorry, but no, I think, again, it goes back to you wanting to serve people and you wanting to help people and get them in that better spot, listening to your show and how you're able to do things. You're always innovating. Like for, I don't know, a ton of people in real estate. I know maybe five and none of them are innovating.

[00:23:07] Especially in this time one guy goes, Oh, I went to Paris for a month and a half. I go, what? I mean, great. You went to Paris for a month and a half that did nothing for your business. Like now you're so far behind, like for you to go, okay, I've been here before. I'm going to sit down. I'm going to lock myself in.

[00:23:25] I know what to do. I'm going to just pound and you'll get back out of it, but what's cool. And hopefully the listeners are listening to this. You found better processes that work better for your team. So in the long run, they're going to provide more value to your company and your customers because you provided value to them.

[00:23:43] By letting them work from home that they said, Hey, it's working. And I'm sure one helps with overhead. And two, it's probably working for you as well. 

[00:23:50] Dude 

[00:23:51] Billy: [00:23:51] I love the virtual lifestyle. I could work from anywhere. We went to Puerto Rico for a month and yeah, I mean, we didn't skip a beat. It was, it's like you can work from anywhere and when you're virtual, but you know, getting back to the processes and the systems, the people, when I had the mortgage bank, the mistake I made back then is that I really didn't have my, I had systems, but not nearly as good as they are now.

[00:24:13] They weren't dialed in. And whenever I had problems, I would throw a body, a person at the problem. I started loading bodies on instead of dealing with the issue at hand, which was there was a break in the system. So you'll hear a lot of people, entrepreneurs that are touting online system systems.

[00:24:28] Yes, you need systems. You need processes, but without the right people, your systems are shit. So you have to build out your systems. You have to build a process, then you have to have a hiring process. To recruit the right people in get the right people identified, put them in the right seats, give them the processes and the systems that they have to utilize, set the criteria and then let them run, hold them accountable.

[00:24:51] You know, we have accountability calls, but let them do what they do. Don't micromanage and just let them grow. And to, for me, it's working. If I would've had this mindset, and again, it only comes from experience and failing. If I would have had this mindset and this experience when I opened the mortgage bank, if forget, get it.

[00:25:06] But everything happens for a reason. I wasn't supposed to go down that path anymore. You know, it was like, I didn't like the lifestyle of having 950 employees underneath my supervision. I didn't like working 18 hour days and flying all across the United States, trying to raise money and go public. Like, it was fun at the time when I look back to now, it's like just, I would've done things differently.

[00:25:27] Cory: [00:25:27] Two things on that one. I want you to share your hiring process because I've heard some of the craziness that you put people through, the ringer that you put people through to get to it, but then obviously it weeds out those that don't fit the bill. And then two, I think you were buying a place out in Puerto Rico, right?

[00:25:47] Like a hotel or something. 

[00:25:49] Ron: [00:25:49] And I was going to ask about that. 

[00:25:50]Billy: [00:25:50] Yeah. Yeah. So couple of, so let's go back on the hiring part first. So the hotels and the houses, that's a story and so on on the hiring side. So I believe systems again, you want to try to leverage as technology as best as you can. And when you're hiring somebody, you want them to basically.

[00:26:08] Self eliminate and how do they do that? So the first thing I do, and I do this in every ad that I put out right now, I'm wiring for construction workers. I'm using a similar format with the ad when I'm doing construction workers, sales guys, and assistant a bookkeeper, doesn't matter who it is. They might have different things, different hoops.

[00:26:25] They have to jump through. Cause I'm not going to have a sales guy do the same thing as an executive assistant or contractor. I'm going to say it, but the basis of the ad is the same. And all the ads in my ad, all my friends make fun of me. They all said, you're an idiot who the hell is going to read it.

[00:26:38] I'll tell you who's going to read it. The people who want the freaking job as you're reading the ones that don't want to work with me, I'm going to make fun of it. The ones that are never going to follow directions are going to read half of it and get lost. And the ones that resonate with the language I'm using in these ads.

[00:26:52] It puts them in a trans and it connects with them and it sucks them into my world. And I literally, I have people banging down my door when they go through the whole process. They're like, yo, I just want to come in and work with you. I want to work with your company. So what's different. The ad itself.

[00:27:08] It's not your normal ad qualifications. How many years expertise, computer skills. It is me having a conversation. In writing in ad format to them of the type of person we're looking for, who this is meant for what they're going to gain when they work for us, the types of personalities, looking for it. If you have these qualities and I'll go in detail, like if you are a stickler for, and I can't remember the language I used, but what I can't remember, but if you do certain things and like, this is the person we're looking for and it stands out.

[00:27:37] And then at the end of it, and these ads are long. Like I'm talking pages. They're so long. I can't post them on LinkedIn or Facebook because it's too much copy. I've actually cut some of it off that's how, but it does certain things. And then what I do from there, depending on who a marketing for it's a construction guy or a sales guy, or an executive assistant, I'll have them self eliminate by jumping through hoops.

[00:27:59] So in the ad, it gives them specific instructions. If it's a sales guy, I'm going to say India, listen, if you think you're right for this position and you're in a player and you're going to knock it out of the ballpark, and this is what I want you to do. Pick up this phone right now, dial this number. And on there, I want you to tell me in your own words, why you're the number one rock star sales guy with looking forward to bring you in and guess what?

[00:28:20] That's going to do. The guys who are weak, the girls who are weak, they going to be like, I'm not going to call over the phone who think they're good? And they call in and they have no personality and not able to sell me over the phone. They sell from eliminate the ones that don't follow instructions.

[00:28:34] Self-limiting but you get. The cream of the crop, we do it. And then once they come in as a whole other process, you going take them through and do personality profiles. You're going to have them take certain tests. And then once they take all these various tests, they go through very trying interview process then, and only then are they going to get accepted for the job?

[00:28:53] And it's like, it's a self eliminating campaign and it works because. My executive assistant, who is a rock star, the girl, yo she's fucking killer. And she call uses her like she is killing it. She, and it probably, it was maybe three, 300. And twenty-five people that applied only 15 of the three 25 follow directions the right way.

[00:29:16] So I just saved myself that bullshit time. I didn't have to. I did with 15 application, top-notch applications. And then from the 15, I had them go through and take a personality profile test. I had a guy that was professional interviews. He knocked the 15 down to seven. So now I'm looking at seven resumes versus 325, weeding through the bullshit.

[00:29:35] If you're an executive assistant, you can't follow sit in fricking directions on the first interview, you can just spend the rest of your life with why the hell would I want to hire you if you can't follow directions from the beginning? Yeah. 

[00:29:45] Ron: [00:29:45] Yeah. I love it because you're setting the expectations. Like without even saying you're setting the expectations, correct.

[00:29:52] Right. You're saying here's kind of the bar. You can play at the bar. You can not play at the bar because at the end of the day, it's, this is the company I've built. These are the people we want to bring in and you either hit that bar or you don't, you don't hit the bar. I love you're going to self-inject.

[00:30:07] I love it. 

[00:30:08] Billy: [00:30:08] Yeah. And even if they have that, they hit the bar and they have all the. They follow the directions, but they don't have the right values and the right personality. They're out. You gotta be a match for the company. 

[00:30:18] Ron: [00:30:18] Yeah absolutely 

[00:30:19] Billy: [00:30:19] so of course I would highly recommend anybody out. Who's hiring, just look at the way I'm hiring copy.

[00:30:23] And I got it from somebody years back, this guy was an internet marketer and I heard him talk and he said, this is how it are. And my first assistant. And I'm like, Holy shit, like this is phenomenal. And then I tweaked an ad in some way on stuff and he just made it my little over the years and it works.

[00:30:40] Ron: [00:30:40] Love it. All right. 

[00:30:42] Cory: [00:30:42] And what about the other story? 

[00:30:46] Billy: [00:30:46] All right, so Puerto Rico God, I love Puerto Rico. I can't wait. I'm going to be moving at full time. Within three years, 

[00:30:51] Ron: [00:30:51] my wife, I was like, cause Corey and I have talked about Puerto Rico for our coaster. Again. I said, Billy's buying a hotel. Like that's cool.

[00:30:59] Like you can just live in the hotel if you really wanted to and see from there. 

[00:31:04] Billy: [00:31:04] These places out there. These are not, you know, 400 unit hotels. These are 20 units, 25, just put boutique on the ocean, overlooking everything. So we went through, recalled it down to two plus a house. And they ended up losing them all.

[00:31:21] I cause I'm, I'm an investor. I'm not going to be, I have a criteria all day, nothing. I couldn't make the deals work and I'm like, look, I'm not playing on emotion. I'm not going to keep on beating myself up. It's not worth it. The numbers, the numbers of his work, We're either going to get into this number or I'm going to pass, move on to the next one.

[00:31:39] So this time we went out there for a month close, very close, no cigar, but you know what? This, the next time I'm not in a rush. I'm not in a rush because I can't move there immediately. So when the right opportunity comes, we're going to be ready for it. You guys were hoping it, got the hotel was like you hold masterminds out there right,

[00:31:56] Ron: [00:31:56] check it out, make sure it's all good podcast studio there.

[00:32:04] Cory: [00:32:04] I didn't realize it didn't go through, but I love that you, even though you're emotional to move, you were not emotional of that decision. I love that. 

[00:32:13] Billy: [00:32:13] No, no way. When it comes down to investing and everything to me is an investment. It's got the numbers have to make sense. I'm not going to. Just buy it on emotional, my, my emotional heartstrings and just cause I needed it.

[00:32:24] I don't need it if the numbers work and this is my cap, and if it's going to go over, I'm not going to do it. And it's the same thing with residential real estate here, when we're buying even the commercial real estate we have, and we have a drug rehab center in old age facility, we invested in the numbers have to work and the numbers don't work.

[00:32:39] It's a pass on the deal. You try to negotiate best you can, but the market they're just like here, it's so frigging hot right now. It's like the wrong time, really? To buy, to be honest with you. Cause everybody's, overbidding that? 

[00:32:50] Ron: [00:32:50] Okay. I got a story about that. So my wife and I, we were moving back to Colorado and we left before marijuana was legal.

[00:32:57] So we came back and all of a sudden there's pot shops like everywhere. It's crazy. And, but they were buying houses to make their money legal. Buying and selling houses, buying, selling houses. Right. So we found this house out over by Corey. It was up in that part of town and I freaking loved the house, but we were getting outbid by everybody.

[00:33:15] Everybody and this house I wanted. Right. And so we offered him 25,000 over asking. Yup. My wife was not happy about it. And she goes, if you like it and we'll get it, the guy countered me, Billy. He kept a hundred me back 10,000 more. I go time out, dude. Like you don't get to do that. Like, I don't understand, like, here's your number.

[00:33:39] I gave you this much more. So now I'm pulling the deal. I'm not interested in anymore. And that was the hardest thing I had to do. The house. We did end up buying funniest story. I found it on a coming soon ad because that's everything in Colorado was coming soon. They pump it for a couple of weeks and then it would skyrocket and no one could touch it.

[00:34:02] Right. We get to see, and I go, I'm going to call the realtor. I go. Hey, I'm in town this weekend only. I know I can't see it until next weekend. If I can't see it this weekend, I'm not pure next weekend. So I'm not even going to bed. And he goes, so I would like to at least see it before I'm going to bid because I wouldn't even be in town, which was all BS.

[00:34:21] So I come in and I look at the house and it's exactly what my wife wanted and I call it, the realtor goes well, what do you think? I go, I hate it. I hate it. I'm not interested. I'm not going to do it. She goes, okay. So I call, I waited about two hours. I called her back. I go, my wife was talking to me. She kind of likes the house.

[00:34:39] I'm not interested in the house. So I'm just going to do this as a favor to her. This is the only deal you're going to get from me. It's a thousand over asking if you put it on the market, you'll never hear from me again. The deal is today or never. Yeah, 

[00:34:54] Billy: [00:34:54] but it's about the way you posture because you came in with confidence and there's a whole psychological thing that goes on with that.

[00:35:00] And you just acted as if, and you took your whole emotional piece out of it, which is what we're talking about. When you do anything on emotion, the other people see it, they sense it, and they will knock you to your knees. So you got to take the emotional part out of everything. And just like straight face.

[00:35:16] Yeah, this is it. 

[00:35:18] Ron: [00:35:18] It was hard because the other side of the story, Billy, my wife was like literally about to give birth to our second child and we were staying at her dad's house and she goes, I swear if I have this baby at my dad's house, I'm going to be so mad. We moved into this house. The first thing I did was paint the baby's room, finished the baby's room, put the baby's room together.

[00:35:39] That's the next day failing was born. Huh?

[00:35:45] The thing, but so in that type of market, cause I know the answer, but I'm going to ask you anyway and that kind of market, is there a, still a space where you can get homes, how you get homes to help people. 

[00:35:58] Billy: [00:35:58] I mean, so great question. We're right now. And you guys were in Colorado. Okay. So it's probably like that there, because it seems like it's like this around the whole country right now, except for the major cities.

[00:36:11] The market is completely on fire. I've never seen it. This hot. Before in my entire life. And there's people who post on Facebook, I just got 30,000 over asking for my house. Like, everybody's getting over asking because that's just the market right now. There's no inventory. But to answer your question, we're still buying properties undervalue.

[00:36:31] So the way the play for me. In this day and age is when we're going in, you can go longer, just buy a property. That's worth three buyer for 200, put in 30,000 and make yourself a quick hundred thousand. If it's worth four, you have to come in and you have to add value, right? These are all value. Add plays, very little of the deals that are coming out right now.

[00:36:49] Very small portion of them. You're going to be able to go in and just do a little renovations, that it would make some good cash. So right now it's about adding second stories. It's about expanding out the back. It's about knocking them down and repurposing the whole entire piece of land. So this steel deals there, you just need to have the vision to figure out how you can best capitalize on the deals on the real estate deals that are coming across your desk.

[00:37:11] And some of them, they don't need anything. Like we got, we just had a property around the corner. We close on it last week. I did a short video on it. The guy is legitimately worth in its as-is condition. It's a five bedroom, three bath might be a four bedroom, three bath, 3000 square foot home. Minted out kitchen is a little old.

[00:37:30] When I say a little bit, maybe 10 years old. This guy sold us the property for four quarter up. He left every article that he owned, except for his personal clothes in the home. It's Whiteside five years, five years earlier, he was holding off, up in a house. He couldn't emotionally get rid of it. And this is another guy, like I told you the story already though.

[00:37:48] He is gentlemen. We told them, listen, you'll get it. He says, I don't want to list it. I don't want to be bothered. I don't want people coming through my home. I don't want to fix anything. I don't even want to take him to the furniture route. I just want you to make me a cash offer. I go, I wouldn't even know where to saw it.

[00:38:02] He gave me the number four 25. I go, you can get a whole hell of a lot more in the market. He goes, I don't want to be bothered. I'm happy with the number. Could you close? So 30 days, so that property is going to net us hardly at $75,000. Yeah, there's a way to clean it out. I mean, so the deals are there. You just have to, again, you need to be smart with your marketing.

[00:38:20] You need to be transparent with your sellers. You need to tell them exactly what's going on. Put them in a better position. Just be transparent. Talk to them. Don't sell them. Talk with them. Just have conversation when you have conversation with people, stuff comes out. And if you, if that stuff comes out, it's a problem that you can solve.

[00:38:38] If you solve that problem, that's who you get your deals because they don't look at you as a salesperson. You're a problem solver and problem solvers put people in a better position, regardless of the price. Price is important, but not to everybody. It's important. 25% of the people we come in contact with the rest of them is a problem that they want a solution to.

[00:38:55] And so in this market, Second stories extensions off the back, but there's still deals you can make. You just have to know how to go about getting them. And there's a whole process. You have to go through to identify those sellers are going to want to sell their property and sell their property for cash.

[00:39:09] Like we spent a lot of money on a data scientist to figure this shit out for us to really take the whole population of where we're living either in New York and New Jersey. And boil it down. And then he'll say like these 10,000 homes and all this whole area, these are the ones that have the highest propensity to sell and to sell for cash at a discount.

[00:39:27] And this is the reason why, and that's like, you spend a lot of money to get that, but when you have. The marketing systems to market, to those types of sellers and you can get them on the phone and you converse with them and you could show them, there is a better way, and you're, it's a win for them and a win for you, dude.

[00:39:42] I'm telling you that I don't care how the market's going. You just have to, you said before, you'd have to roll with it. You need to like always reinvent yourself. We're always reinventing. And we're always like, Not looking at what's happening. We're looking at what's going on. What's the future gonna hold.

[00:39:57] And we're always one step ahead of the curve. Yeah. 

[00:39:59] Ron: [00:39:59] Hey Cory, can I say one thing? Cause I know it's your turn, but I'm totally interrupting. Cause he will. He mentioned something that I remember listening to the podcast and it made me click and I started talking to my wife about it. So there was a house, it was a ranch house you bought and you were talking about comps and there was no comps in this neighborhood for other ranches.

[00:40:19] At all. And I was like, God, that's crazy. This person, it was the only ranch house that was built, blah, blah, blah. That's where my mind went. Your mind went to exactly what was happening. People were buying houses and adding second stories to it. Yup. So you couldn't find a comp of a ranch because there was no second story.

[00:40:36] So the only way to have a comp is include a second story, and then you have a comp and I was like, Oh my gosh. I told her wife, I think this is crazy. Like who would have even thought of it? And then I told Cory, and then that's when we got it. And the argument about misses editing your shell.

[00:40:52] Cory: [00:40:52] Yes. I bet I have an idea of what your answer might be in hindsight. 14 million in debt, just starting to, started to climb and climb your way back. What's that tip that you would share with everybody here, listening or watching today. And my guests in case, it's this one, maybe you have something else is the MFA is the to take action on the little stuff.

[00:41:18] Billy: [00:41:18] So you know what Cory, you would think. That's what I would say, but if I go back and I bring myself to the time when I literally was holding $14 million on my back and I had. Multiple law suits. And I had things going on that when you experienced it, listen, everybody has their own challenges. They got, my health was good, so it wasn't helping that I had cancer that had overcome it.

[00:41:36] But when you're dealing with that with debt and that with uncertainty and you have bank accounts, locked up houses being foreclosed on car, getting repoed, like it really puts a ton of weight on somebody's shoulders. So I'd be lying to you. If I said, Cory, man, it's all about MFA. And I just made it happen in massive fucking action.

[00:41:57] I'd be lying because the truth of the matter is I was so beat up from 2006 to 2009. I couldn't get out of my own way. And what really got me to the next level was just starting to take small action because when you're dealing with the weight of the world on your shoulders and you have. And it seems like the world is against you and you can't get out of bed in the morning.

[00:42:21] It's hard to listen to a motivational speaker. And when you have your head, when you're on your knees, praying to God that you're going to get out of this, it's almost impossible for you to listen to that motivational guy saying, take MFA like F you dude is no, it's true. This isn't the answer, but I wanted things I would do, but to address that it's not MFA.

[00:42:43] It's. Wherever you're at in life at whatever stage you're at, whether you're at on your knees, praying for God that you have a miracle happen or you're rocking and rolling, depending on where you're at on that continuum, you're going to take a different action. So for me, when I was down and out, it was just taking small, consistent steps.

[00:43:01] It was doing something to get myself going. So thing something is anything. And for me, like at one point it was just literally taking a shower in the morning because. I went fucking almost a couple of weeks with no shower. I would not shower because I was so like disgusting. I know it's the truth. I couldn't get out of my way.

[00:43:19] Cause I was so depressed and I had such the weight on my shoulders. So depending on where you're at, it's going to depend on what you're going to do. But in hindsight, I think one of the things that people have to do is they need to act faster. So to save that company that went out of business, I should have acted faster.

[00:43:33] I ran with my heart, not with my head. I think that if getting back out of this, I believe that all it is making a decision and then making a commitment and then doing something daily to go forward. And you have to realize no matter what you're going to do. And I said this on my podcast a hundred times, you're going to fail.

[00:43:51] You're going to F up, you're going to screw up. You're going to lose all of those are experiences learning experiences to get yourself to the next level. And when I made my decision in 2009 to take this path that I'm on it, wasn't easy. It wasn't overnight. Like things are great. It was hard freaking work deli, but I refused.

[00:44:11] And this is the mindset piece that came into play. I refused to quit. And when you get that in your head, whatever you tell yourself enough, you will start to believe it. And your whole body will change your physiology change. You will act as if, until you actually become it. It's a sick thing. But this piece, this mind, this brain thing of here.

[00:44:34] It is the most powerful thing in the world. And if you could program yourself to get yourself to that next level, I don't care where you're at. It's and again, it's not going to be easy. I'm not sitting here saying it's easy to walk in a walk. It's not, it's fucking hard work. It's grinding and hard work and get to beat up and getting said no, and thinking that things are going sideways, it's just every single day getting up and making something happen.

[00:44:56] And knowing that you shit's going to go sideways, which is knowing that you got to constantly go forward. I know it was a long winded response, Cory, but I mean, I be wanting to you if I said it was MFA 

[00:45:05]Ron: [00:45:05] and again, but that goes back to how genuine you are, because I would have guessed that was the answer to like, honestly, right.

[00:45:12] And if you told us the answer, we would have all said, yep. That was the answer, because that makes sense. But that was vulnerable. That was real. That was awesome. And I think that's why you are so successful in what you're doing and why people are coming to partner with you. And that kind of leads me into.

[00:45:27] I know there's people listening. I know you're focused on New York and New Jersey, but how can people connect with you? How can they get involved with you? How can they get into your world? 

[00:45:36] Billy: [00:45:36] Yeah, absolutely. So all of a social media unstoppable BA Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, if you want to partner with me, if you have deals, you want to start part.

[00:45:45] If you're a wholesale or renovate, if you need cash, go to Billyalvaro.com. Again, simple Billy of our.com or there it's learn partner, invest with Billy. Choose one of those. Now the whole learn with Billy. I had a whole platform three years ago. They did. One-on-ones the one-on-one thing. Just took a lot of energy.

[00:46:02] So I'm building out a platform to teach one to many, and that is going to be coming out where I'm going to teach them. They're going to get a billion, a box, all me genuine, give my secrets, like deep shit. And then from there they'll have a basis where they can actually start part with me. Cause they, I at least want somebody to have a little understanding of what they're doing.

[00:46:18] It's harmony to come in with raw and you have to train from the beginning. Right. 

[00:46:22] Cory: [00:46:22] Ron and I go to the sign up to learn with. 

[00:46:24] Ron: [00:46:24] We just go to the, learn, the invest, or the partner with 

[00:46:27] Billy: [00:46:27] you guys have my cell phone, man, all you guys

[00:46:34] whose podcast was? I just thought you guys did them. Tony's podcast was I told you, right? Cause it wasn't real yet. So Tony's like afterwards we did his podcast like Joe. I just, I want to do this. I'm like Tony, I did the three-day event. I have everything recorded. I'll give you everything for free. Just give me your email address.

[00:46:49] My girl in the office. They get. So if you guys want the same thing. Three days. It's like, you'll get 80% of the stuff that you need to get. You started in real estate, like deep marketing systems, the secrets, the tricks, all the crap. Like I did this three-day event. I should have charged $5000. I tried like $297 and I just gave dude I gave, and it was the best feeling, man.

[00:47:14] Holy smokes. It was just so much fun giving like that. 

[00:47:18] Ron: [00:47:18] Well, it's amazing. We have stories upon stories. And if you're listening to the show, you've heard me talk about it. If you give, without expecting in something in return, we had one client, literally, what was it? $197 client. And I spent hours with him because he accomplished something to be on iTunes.

[00:47:37] He, they didn't use us for launch. He just wanted the logo and he kept saying he was on iTunes. And I was like, dude you're not on iTunes. Like you're not there. And he goes, I go, did you get submitted and stuff? He goes, Oh, you have to submit. I go, yeah, you have to submit. So I'm up until like one in the morning getting this done.

[00:47:54] My wife's like, what are you doing? I go, he's a really nice guy. He's an older gentleman. And I finally go, Hey. Just give me all your login information. I know we just met, just give me everything and I'll set you up. I'll just set you up. You'll be good to go. Didn't charge him anything for that. Just, it was the right thing to do.

[00:48:11] He was happy. He's referred over 20 grand, easy to in referrals and nice guy. But again, That kind of stuff happened over and over again. And people are so afraid to just give, and I'm telling you one, it'll make the world a better place. And that's why we changed our hashtag to impactors. Cause we only want to help people that are trying to impact the world in a better way.

[00:48:34] Right. Everybody wants to make money for a reason. We've turned people away that come to us. That want to work with us. And all they want to do is make money. We're not the people to work with. If that's all you want, like money's great. But if you have to be in it for other people and want to help other people, and once they get a better place in a good spot, you fit that a hundred percent.

[00:48:57] And we love working with you, 

[00:48:58] that's why we get along, guys, because 

[00:49:00] Billy: [00:49:00] we're, you know, we live in different parts of the world, but we're on the same pets. We have similar values. We have similar drives, we're all entrepreneurs and. We'll give a shit we care and it makes a difference. People know when you really care and they sense it.

[00:49:14] You can hide it. It's going to come out if they're going to feel it. And you have you ever around somebody where, you know, you're the same one thing and you, and they're saying the words, but you're looking at the new. I'm not getting that vibe. I'm not getting what you're selling right now. And when you're around somebody though, who's genuine.

[00:49:32] Like you feel it, you see it when they're speaking to you, you could feel their passion. And like, you know, they want to generally help somebody and put them in a better position. Look, I look at paid for what they do. I love it, but I get more, the sitting is just like you said, it's coming back to me. Yep.

[00:49:49] So I want to give as much as I can cause I'm going to get tenfold back. I'm going to get the bigger dollars instead of the pennies that I'm going to do. 

[00:50:01] Cory: [00:50:01] Have one last question for you, Billy. You've had several people on your. Show that they do real estate all over the country. And you're really, it seems to be in the New York, New Jersey area.

[00:50:12] Is there a specific reason you haven't really ventured nationwide or so 

[00:50:17] Billy: [00:50:17] you're hitting on something right now. You must have ESP because we just had the conversation. We are really. Figuring out how we can take this thing nationally. And I'm speaking with a bunch of different people now, I'm not going to do it where I'm renovating, because I don't want to have the it's a lot with contractors.

[00:50:34] I said that in the opening or right beforehand, it's a lot managing the company with contractors. So on the renovation side, it's going to stick in a few different areas. But if I do partnerships with people. Who can renovate and we have the capital and we can put the money to work with them and do a 50, 50 joint venture split in other States.

[00:50:52] I mean, yeah. So it's definitely something we're, it's, we're not committed to it. We're seriously looking at it right now to see if this is something we want to go down, because look, I have lawfully goals, the wholesale and the renovation company. It's crushing it. I want to get to that $10 million Mark with that business.

[00:51:07] But on the flip side, With the apartment investing. Like I want to acquire a 5,000 units over the next 10 years and I got to get my ass in gear. So this is the reason why like I'm out working again and I'm making shit happen. I'm physically right now, actively looking for an operational COO type individual that can come in.

[00:51:26] And oversee and help me run all the companies that we have. So I can extract myself and go and do the other things that are really on a passion for, but I don't want to just leave the company as it is. I need a person that's going to have that. That drive through in this business for me, the COO the implement the particular person.

[00:51:44] Ron: [00:51:44] Love it. Love it. 

[00:51:48] Cory: [00:51:48] So good. All right. So I don't know, Ron, if he'll come to Colorado because Colorado is real estate is so crazy. 

[00:51:54] know, a guy 

[00:51:55] Ron: [00:51:55] in Colorado mill. They may know maybe one or two 

[00:51:59] Cory: [00:51:59] probably asking price on my home right now. 

[00:52:01] Ron: [00:52:01] So we bought this house five years ago. It's doubled in price. 

[00:52:07] Billy: [00:52:07] What. That's insane.

[00:52:10] Yeah. I gotta do down in Colorado, Michael, Jacob, friends with him and a super guy. He's in one of the groups that I'm in and he's crushed it out there. I mean, I think he has close to 300 rentals out in Colorado. Like his whole play is by hold. He does a lot of creative financing subject to. Like really smart individuals to these deals out there.

[00:52:31] But depending on where you go, like, you know, you gotta go with sometimes a little bit of, he asked her you not have to be going to Vail and shit and stuff like that. No, 

[00:52:38] Ron: [00:52:38] not going to go over to the Kevin isn't Aspen.

[00:52:43] All right, Billy, we appreciate it. Let everybody know. Exactly where to find you again. I know Billy secrets and Billyalvaro.com. Oh 

[00:52:50] Billy: [00:52:50] yeah. So, I mean, I don't think this the second four, but no, that's good. Billyalvaro.com for sure. billyssecrets. If you want to learn all my tools, tips and tricks.

[00:52:58] You'll right there. And then also Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn unstoppable BA, and that is where we're at now. 

[00:53:04] Ron: [00:53:04] Awesome. Thanks. 

[00:53:06] Cory: [00:53:06] Thanks, Billy. It's been awesome. Having a conversation. It's been a while, so it's heavier. 

[00:53:11] Billy: [00:53:11] Good to see you, Cory. Thank you so much, guys. I appreciate the both of you take care.