Unstoppable REI Wealth

UREI-35 Push Marketing vs. Pull Marketing

Episode Notes

If there's one thing you have to know about me, it's this, I love, love, absolutely frigging love with a passion, giving knowledge to people. But what I love even more than that is when they actually take it. They implement they execute and they get results. 

And so I'm hoping that the stuff you learned last week, this week and all the episodes, whether it's myself doing solo or it's me bringing on guests, my number one wish hope is that you actually freaking implement. I don't care if I have 5 listeners, 500 to 5,000.

I don't care if I have that many. What I care about is if one, one of you takes action, nothing happens unless something happens, meaning you have to do something on the daily. So if you're listening to this podcast, if you're, on YouTube, trying to seek out and find out how to get involved in wholesaling, how to rehab have homes or how to build a rental portfolio. And all you're doing is searching and listening and reading, and you're not taking action. Nothing is going to change unless you frigging do something today. So I'm grateful that you're listening, but I'm really going to be grateful if you take action.

Now tune in today I we discuss push and pull marketing and I give you my favorite tactics to use when marketing for my own business!

As always if you need anything come find me at billyalvaro.com and billyssecrets.com

Talk to you all soon!

Episode Transcription

welcome to Unstoppable Real Estate Investing Wealth. My name is Billy Alvaro, AKA the unstoppable BA former billion dollar mortgage banker gone bankrupt turned professional real estate investor where each week you'll learn the tools, strategies, systems, and secrets myself. And other highly successful real estate investing entrepreneurs used to start, grow and scale their businesses, creating massive profits and how you can too.

[00:00:31] And we'll teach you how to put those profits to work. So you no longer have to get ready to finally experience financial freedom and generational wealth. Now let's get started.

[00:00:44]What's up? What's up. What's up. Welcome back to the episode. I am Billy Alvaro the unstoppable BA. And I appreciate you guys tuning in again, where I bring the heat on this show. If you don't know anything about me, one thing, does that make sense? If you don't know anything about me and the one thing, if you know nothing about me, nothing about me.

[00:01:04] If there's one thing you have to know about me, it's this, I love, love, absolutely frigging love with a passion, giving knowledge to people. But what I love even more than that is when they actually take it. They implement they execute and they get results. And if they implement execute and don't get results, but they learn just taking action in and of itself is what like drives me on the daily.

[00:01:30] And so I'm hoping that the stuff you learned last week, this week and all the episodes, whether it's myself doing solo or it's me bringing on guests, my number one wish hope is that you actually freaking implement. I don't care if I have five listeners, 500 to 5,000. And if I had 5 million, that'd be great.

[00:01:52] I don't care if I have that many. What I care about is if one, one of you takes action, nothing happens unless something happens, meaning you have to do something on the daily. So if you're listening to this podcast, if you're , on YouTube, trying to seek out and find out how to get involved in wholesaling.

[00:02:12] Well, how to rehab have homes or how to build a rental portfolio. And all you're doing is searching and listening and reading, and you're not taking action. Nothing is going to change unless you frigging do something today. So I'm grateful that you're listening, but I'm really going to be grateful if you take action.

[00:02:33] And if you do, I want to hear about it. Hit me up on social media, DME, P M I M E. Whether you've taken action because you're listening to my podcast or you listen to this and you took action from somebody else's podcasts. It's something you've learned. I just want you to take action period, because that's how your life is going to change.

[00:02:50] It's going to change when you make the decision to change it. And then when you take massive freaking action, all right, got that out of the way. I wanted to just give it to you because I, it frustrates me like no other, when I have people that I've been speaking to, I see them a networking event or a dinner party.

[00:03:08] And they tell me, I've been wanting to do this real estate investing for 10 years and they ask, what have you done? I've listened to every podcast. I've gone out and I've taken courses. What have you done to make money? And it kills me. It pains me when they tell me they've done nothing or they've tried, or they're trying, when you try or trying that means you're not doing anything you're dying because when you're trying, you're lying.

[00:03:32] You don't try you, do you either do it or you don't. Right. So I don't want this to be a whole fucking motivational thing today, but it's just you're gonna take action. You're only going to get to the next level. You're only going to get results when you take action. I can't stand when somebody tells me, well, I'm trying.

[00:03:51] No, you're not. You're either doing it and you're learning or you're getting results or you're failing, but you're doing it. Trying is eh, No, I'll get around to it. I'm doing my best. So get up, get out, get moving and start taking MFA. Massive fucking action. And if you're like in a slump and you kick it out of your own freaking way, just do something like get up and start having some energy, do a little something on the daily.

[00:04:17] And that eventually that little something that is going to give you momentum, where you're going to be able to take that MFA. That massive fucking action, right. Rental. If you didn't listen to last, week's. Episode, you're going to want to listen to, because this is like part two of that one last week we spoke about niches and riches, whether you're starting, growing or scaling your real estate investment business, it all comes down to lead generation.

[00:04:40] Before I get into the lead generation side. I wanted you to understand what the niches are. What's the niche. Well, go back and listen. Last week, niches it's either a person's situation or, or, or the house has a situation. There's multiple different things you could focus on. If you're starting focus on one.

[00:04:55] If you're growing, hopefully you have systems after you've done one, two, five, and eight. You have systems for that. And you can start thinking to the next level where we're at, which is scaling that's. When you have multiple marketing systems, multiple niches, you have multiple things going on at one time, all driving in these leads, because we all know you heard me last week without a lead.

[00:05:14] There is no appointment without an appointment. You don't have a deal with a deal on a contract. You're not making money. So it all starts with getting a lead number one, get a lead on today's episode. I'm going to go solo again. And my legend hat turns bad way around in my legend hat. So what we're going to do today is we're going to talk about two things.

[00:05:33] We're going to talk about how to do push what's, push marketing, and what's pull marketing. And so my definition of push marketing specifically for this is when you have more time. And less money. So I'm going back to when I had nothing, I was broke, piss broke $14 million in debt. I had time, but I had no money.

[00:05:52] So what did I do to make money, to make myself get myself? If there's real estate a business is I spent my time doing things that didn't cost me money to drive in deals and what I did, my number one thing on here. Let me pull up my little presentation. Boom. Here it is. Let me make myself smaller on this thing.

[00:06:10] A little bigger. So what I did. Is that the number one thing I did is I drove for dollars. I spoke about this and I speak about it all the time, because when I was flat broken, busted in 14 mil in debt and my car was repoed, but I did have another one. They repossessed the Bush was driving around my home and that was paid for I did what I needed to do.

[00:06:29] And the number one thing for me was driving for dollars. So push marketing, more time, less money. If you drive for dollars and you go around looking for vacant properties, and if you listened to last week and a couple of episodes, I did it when there was no real technology. This was back in like 2009. And the technology like you people today, you don't realize how freaking easy you have it.

[00:06:50] If you're just getting started, you're spoiled. Cause I didn't have half the shit that you guys have in 2009 when I got started, but I did it back then. I didn't have an excuse saying I didn't have money for the, for the apps I'm about to talk about, or I didn't have money for this. I said, I have to do what I have to do in order to get to the next level.

[00:07:07] Whatever it takes, I'm going to do it. And for me, it was driving for dollars and cold calling because it cost me nothing but time. So driving for dollars, there's an app it's on Billy secrets.com. You go in there, you're going to get a discount. I think they give you 20, 30, 40% discount, whatever the hell it is, you click on it.

[00:07:28] It's the D the deal the deal app with some Chevy, I can't remember. They think is the deal app, whatever the hell it is. I'm not, I can't remember that. Just look for the one that says vacant, how Billy's vacant house system. That's the the deal app and this app, literally you drive by your property.

[00:07:46] You take a picture, it tells you who owns it. If they're in foreclosure, if they're dead or alive, another click, it completely skip traces the house for you. It gives you their cell phone, their home full, where they live another click. It actually sends out the direct mail piece for you. So look. If you don't have the money, it's very cheap to use this system.

[00:08:06] If you don't have the money. And what do you do? Cause I didn't have any money. I drove for dollars. I took down the address. I did it the old fashioned way. I figured out who owned the property from public records. I then went to Google and figured out Google their name and forgot where they live. I got fine people now.com or some shit, which was free.

[00:08:25] Got their name, got their telephone number, the service it's free. So it kind of sucked because it was only like a 30% hit rate. If you had their name, they would give you 30% of the time, the right telephone number 70% of the time, it was wrong, but I didn't allow that to stop me driving for dollars. If you have no money, go do that.

[00:08:46] And then if you have no money still for the deal for the deal app go and just do it. The old fashioned way, public records, reverse search and call these people up door knocking, no money, but you have time door knocking. Is my number two on list. Why? Because of you, you see a house that's vacant. You're obviously not going to be able to knock on the door, but if the house is dilapidated, the house has a blue tarp over the roof.

[00:09:10] You see some cars in the front yard and they have plates on them door. Knock that bitch, get up, get out, get moving and door, knock at the house. It's costing you nothing to be time. Guess what's the worst thing that could happen, guys. They're going to slam the door in your face and give you the fingers to tell you I don't want to sell.

[00:09:27] I'm never going to sell. Who cares? Who cares? Go to the next deal? It's all about the more nos you get. You're going to get one step closer to, yes, it's all about making contacts. So this is a contact sport when you're, when you're investing time, that means you're making phone calls. That means you're door knocking.

[00:09:46] That means you're doing text blasts. What that means is the more you're going to start realizing. There's going to be a certain ratio. If you start tracking your contacts, how many doors that I have to knock on? How many texts that I have to do, they have to send how many phone calls that I have to make before you got a contact, right?

[00:10:05] How many contacts did it take before I got an actual appointment? How many appointments did it take before he got an actual deal? These are your stats. You have to know what your stats are going. I'm keeping it together, but I'm just giving you like a general overview of the KPIs, the stats when you're doing these deals.

[00:10:24] So door knocking, killer killer way to start driving in deals. If you have no money, but you have time, get up off your ass. Don't use the excuse. You have no money. Go out, start door knocking on houses that looked dilapitated. The next one, one of my all time favorites, like these top four. My all-time favorites because I did them back in 2009 manually before there were all these tech services and cold blasting services.

[00:10:53] I did it back then. My team today does it, but it's more automated, cold calling by all means, absolutely crushes it and kicks ass. Right? So if you go out and you drive for dollars and you find a vacant property, you have no money, but you find a vacant house or a dilapidated house. You're not going to door is not there.

[00:11:11] You find a vacant house, they're not there. So you skip trace. You go home at night, you carve out two hours of your night. Again, time you have time, but no money. And I don't want to hear the excuse. I'm working a full-time job. I have two kids. I have to take my kid to college. If you want to make money in this industry, you will find the time.

[00:11:31] Otherwise you will find the excuse and the excuse is going to hold you back and keep you exactly where you're at cold calling by far. Phenomenal because it takes you, but no time. And if you start contacting these people and you act as if you're going to get the deal, and by the way, when you call them up, you're not going to go with the script of highest as Mr.

[00:11:51] Johnson. No, you're going to call up like a friend. And if his name is Bobby and say, Hey, is this Bob? Hey Bob. Yeah. And then you gonna go through the whole scale. I don't want to go through the script right now, cause I can go all over the place. But the bottom line is cold calling. Phenomenal. You're going to make money.

[00:12:07] If you call, call, you're going to make money. If you door knock, you're going to make money. If you drive for dollars and guess what? These top three that I just put out here, you don't need any money to do this. So if money is your reason for not getting this thing, going come up with another one, man, because it's bullshit.

[00:12:23] You don't need money to get into this business. All you need is elephant Titus of the testes. You gotta pull them out. You gotta get something going here. All right. The next thing texting. Right? So if you have the telephone number and you skip trace them, you don't have to have some texting services going to charge you.

[00:12:41] You call them your door knock when you door knock. If they're, if they're not there, you leave a little, a little something behind a little handwritten note. You come back and you text. So now think about this. You find a property that's dilapidated from driving. You go to the house, you knock on the door.

[00:12:56] They're not there. You leave a sticker. So that's contact. Number one, you come home at night, you do a cold call to them. They don't answer. Leave a message on their machine. That's contact numbertwo you. Then the next day you send them a text. That's contact. Number three, you see what I'm doing here? You then do a handwritten letter cause you have no money.

[00:13:15] But I'm sure you could come up with what what's what's the post a post stamp now like 41 cents. I don't even know what it is. I'm sure you could come up with 41 cents and a piece of paper and hand, write this, this letter and send it out 41 cents. If you have 10 deals, you have to write the letters. What does that four bucks?

[00:13:29] And if you don't have it, try to the house and put it in the mailbox for Christ's sake. But my point is push marketing, no money, but time don't let not having money. Stop you from making money in this industry. These are free things that you can do to get yourself your first deal and, or to start growing your business.

[00:13:51] Because if you're growing your business and you have one or two people working for you, mandate that they do this mandate, that they drive for dollars mandate that they do or not mandate that they start cold calling for you and start texting the sellers. Right. I'm going to tear through the rest of his list because I think the top four, in my view, my opinion, if you're focusing in at the top four, You're going to get a deal.

[00:14:13] It's just a matter of figuring out  how many calls, how many contacts, how many appointments it's going to take to get that one contract I'm telling you it's going to work. I so many other ones is networking. So here's a big one, right? So I have I'm not full disclosure. I am not a great networker.

[00:14:30] And the reason being is I just, for some reason I do it inconsistent, that's it? I mean, consistent. It's not my thing. I'm a great marketer. I could drive in the leads, but what it comes down to networking and referrals, we get referrals, but I'm not a good network. Like I don't go out and network. Right.

[00:14:45] But here's the deal. Accountants, attorneys, realtors, networking events, and RIAs. If you're starting out, even if you're starting to grow that little band of people in your network, if you get a couple of really good attorneys that can start referring you over deals, or you get somebody that's that works at an a, at a, an, an old age home, that's going to refer you over deals when somebody looks like we're just past if you could work a deal and network  with a company that, I dunno, it's companies that cemeteries companies, that morgues, I mean, if you can network with more somebody that works at a morgue and get the insight, I mean, I know this sounds a little morbid, but I mean, you get the point, you have to, you have to build your network with the people who have contacts with those that have.

[00:15:38] A situation that you can get to these people before it's readily available on the open market or list. That's my point. So if you build up your network of realtors, if you build up your network of attorneys, divorce attorneys, probate attorneys and estate attorneys, bankruptcy attorneys, foreclosure defense attorneys, these are all really good attorneys that you can network with.

[00:15:59] And the way to get business by the way, guys is you first want to give business. So if I was starting out. And I was having to do this whole thing over and I was driving for dollars and door knocking and cold calling and getting texting sellers. And I had sellers that I couldn't buy their property, but they needed help.

[00:16:16] They were maybe were in foreclosure or they were going through divorce or they had somebody that just passed. I would be the resource for them. And I would say, look, I'm not getting anything out of this. What I want to do is I want to help you. And it would take that lead and I would build myself a network  of realtors or attorneys or Or accountants that I could refer the people that are coming in, that I can't currently help and I would refer them over.

[00:16:40] And then in return, now that you're giving that, that that attorney or that realtor a listing or a lead for an attorney, who's going to do probate. If you start doing that, they're going to start reciprocating and they're going to start giving you deals. It might not happen immediately. This is the key thing with networking.

[00:16:56] I'm an, I'm an instant gratification type person. I, I need stuff today. I want to put out marketing when again, I want that phone ring and I know this the other way is long-term and I'm a long-term thinker, but I want immediate gratification, instantaneous results, and then happens through marketing, social media.

[00:17:14] And also this stuff is a long-term play, which I'm now getting into. But getting back to the network, marketing the networking, rather if you give a referral to an attorney, to a realtor and you show them that you're actually giving something first. It's going to be easier for you to start getting referrals back.

[00:17:30] I hope that make sense. Some of these other ones were free marketing. You have no money, but you have time. You can start posting ads on Craigslist. We buy houses for cash. I'll help out anybody. Any seller with the situation was going through bankruptcy, have a house need to sell. Call me, I'll buy it for cash and stuff like that.

[00:17:45] It's free. You can post it. Real estate auctions right now in this economy, the markets through the roof. I wouldn't, I don't think you get to buy anything in your auction, especially right now, because there are no options because of COVID. You can call, you can call up expire listings. And again, some of these things on here might not be working for today's market, but they work period.

[00:18:06] So as one thing, as the market changes, one thing comes out of style and one thing comes into play. You just have to roll with what's going on in the economy. Expired listings contact for sale by owners. Join a local, a landlord association because landlords, if they have they're burned out, they might be in there and they might be talking if they have a, a networking event or something, and it might be a way for you to get leads.

[00:18:26]Start a podcast you'll believe it or not, you start a podcast and you don't have to go on the radio. We have a radio show that we do every Saturday it aires, which gives us great credibility, costs money, but a podcast costs in gods zero. If you do this whole thing yourself, it doesn't cost you anything. Create a website.

[00:18:42] You can pay for it. You can get a website created right now, like $39. And I have a thing on my billyssecrets.com. We have great website designers on there. People that they're SEO proven, like these are killer websites. It does cost a little bit of money, but you can do it on your own. You could buy one of these templates sites doing your own for a few bucks, do email blast or start a blog.

[00:19:03] Right. So, yeah. My favorites on here. I highlighted them here, the top five drive for dollars door knocking, cold calling, texting sellers, and in networking with other professionals. And you remember with networking and when to give, before you get it's all about giving and then that all of a sudden down the road is going to start coming back to you.

[00:19:22] So if you have no money with time, those are the things I'd be focusing in on now. Let's go to the flip side. You, you started doing deals or you have money to start your real estate, investment business. Most people that get into this, they don't have money in the beginning. They're actually starting with nothing, but if you're fortunate enough to be starting this business with cash, or if you've already started now, you're growing.

[00:19:42] You're reinvesting your money. You got to start putting money to work. You got to start taking a percentage of what you're bringing in and put it back in the marketing to drive those marketing dollars out, to get those phone calls in because the more leads you have coming in, the more appointments you're going to get, the more appointments you get to get contracts and more contracts, it's going to be cash in your pocket.

[00:20:01] So the number one thing on here to start scaling your business, growing it, or scaling it by push, by pulling the marketing and pulling it is you have to spend push money out and that's direct mail. Direct mail by far for me in the mortgage company and the real estate investment company, it's tried. It's true.

[00:20:21] It works, but there's a specific science and an art to making direct mail work. And we're going to go into that in later. Later episodes, when I first started doing direct mail, I was throwing a lot of shit against the wall and I'm like, this doesn't work and there's multiple reasons why it didn't work.

[00:20:40] One. I'll go into a little bit. Now, one of them is your list. If you don't have the right Leer list is everything. If you don't have the right list, you're screwed. It all starts with your list. Your list needs to be honed in on your list. You need to speak to your list in the manner of what they want to hear specifically to the niche that you're going after.

[00:21:04] And if your list is clean, if your list is put together the right way, if your list is like cold right down, you're going to get responses off that list. And it's going to make a world of difference if you're just sending out. To a bullshit list. Like you pulling down a certain neighborhood. I don't know what that they call it in the post that it's EDD.

[00:21:23] Every door direct is some shit you don't want to do that in our industry. It might work if you're a restaurant and you want to do every house in a zip code that would work. But for our business, you want to go after the niches and you want to go after people with specific issues or houses with specific issues, and then you want to start doing overlays and you start getting really good at this and look at those, those sellers who have the highest propensity to sell.

[00:21:47]And so your list is everything in direct mails after your list is going to be your copy, your headline. What you're saying, and then the pitcher and then the cold action, right? Those are the pieces. And when I say pitch, right, it doesn't have to be a picture, but your copy, your headline, your call to action is key to making your marketing work, your marketing dollars, go to the next level.

[00:22:10] So if you're going to start growing or scaling and you have money to spend, or if you're brand new and you have money to spend, I would say direct mail by far. You want to make sure your list is dialed in next to that. Pay-per-click advertising. So I'm going to go full disclosure. We were doing pay-per-click at one time.

[00:22:28] We were making eight, nine and 10 times our money. That means for every dollar we put in, we were getting eight, nine and 10 back, every a hundred dollars, 800, 900 a thousand back. Think about this, how much money could we have spent as much as we could possibly spend? Because every time we spend the dollar, we get eight and 10 back, over time in my market in long Island, it got extremely competitive.

[00:22:52] So this, you have to take this with a grain of salt, every market's different. Every state is different. Every zip code is like wherever you're marketing. Some of this stuff may work. Some might not. That's why you have to test all this marketing that we're talking about , but pay-per-click advertising.

[00:23:06] Oh my God. If you can get it to work and get it dialed in. And again, is this an art and a science? You can learn this on your own or you can go and hire a company. That will do it for you. And that will monetize the shit out of it. Again, I, like I told you before it worked for us for many years, and then it worked until it didn't and then once it stopped working, cause we track our KPIs or key performance indicators.

[00:23:32] Once we realized we were not getting a return or capital with pay-per-click, we change, we tweaked. And then we finally just said, we're done one day down the road. We might go back to what we tried it again, and we tested it about a year and a half ago. And again, it wasn't working. So right now that's dead for us.

[00:23:47] Cause it's flooded. It's over saturated with people doing it, which means the cost per click is through the roof. And my conversions went down through the toilet. I couldn't get it to work, but it has worked in the past and it could definitely work in the future higher up if I had money. And I was starting out and if I had money and I was in this business and I was doing deals, I would hire out my text campaigns.

[00:24:11] Right. So we have a whole text blessing company. We have a service that, I mean, they're killing it for us. They are texting out like crazy. Now this. This whole texting thing is about the change. I know that we're prepared for it. We're making our changes internally, but texting, hiring it out phenomenal with results.

[00:24:31] Right? Next thing is cold. Calling tried true and blue cold calling. I started off cold calling. I said it on the, on the push marketing. If you're a solo practitioner, you have no money to time. Coal, call. If you have money. I would invest it into a cold calling service. I would hire my own cold callers. I would do whatever it takes to get , the cold calling campaign up and running because cold calling telemarketing, pushing it out, getting in touch with people.

[00:24:58] It is by far the cheapest way to make money. Yes, it's laborious, but you don't, as I'm talking now about you spending money, investing money, you don't have to do this anymore. You're hiring it out. You hire somebody out, they might get one, two, three deals an hour leads. I'm saying leads an hour. That's going to go into your CRM and your people inside.

[00:25:18] You're going to call or you're going to call to convert over. So, text campaigning, cold calling, and now here's another one. Facebook ads, Facebook ads. You can get cheap. If you get this dialed in, man, it, Facebook ads could crush it for you. Here's what I use when I first started it does cost money.

[00:25:36] That's why I have it over here, but it's it's bandit signs. Like we don't do really bad signs anymore. Every once in a while you get a couple of students that come in and we'll put them on the program, they'll put the band signs out, but we don't. I had a system for it. We had guys out in the street, but we started doing so many other things and I probably shouldn't have stopped doing advantage sites all that much because they weren't working.

[00:25:56] We had people doing it, but we just, we don't do it anymore. But you should because they work. I think they're a dollar 25 assigned sign some shit, and you don't have to do this yourself. You can hire this out. You can. And I think at billyssecrets.com, I actually have a, a link to a service that will track , your band that's on people.

[00:26:18] And it's like a, I think it's simplycrew.com. I think that's the website, simply crew. You can hire the shit out. It knows exactly where they put the song and they take the pitch. Like you can automate the shit out of it and it signs the scale it out for now. You could hire out door hangers. You can have people door knock for you.

[00:26:33] So door knocking, I told you was killer. Why not have a group of people that you're paying to go out and door, knock on your behalf to drive in leads. You could advertise in newspapers. You could use deal machine finders. So look I spoke about. Finding finding vacant houses, right? So Billyssecrets.com deal machine is on there.

[00:26:50] I think it's vacant house system. If you're using it on your own, it's a killer system. You could use the deal machine and have 30, 50, a hundred, 200 vacant house finders or property finders properties all over the country. To drive in these house, these leads into your system. And then from there, it goes over to a cold caller.

[00:27:09] The cold callers call. It goes into your company, a company lead managers lock the deals down. You go out of your people, go out and they lock the deals up the deal machine deal finders piece to scale your business. If it's done the right way as killer, you can go to Billyssecrets.com. It's on there as the vacant house.

[00:27:24] I think it's vacant houses vacant house's Billy's vacant house system or something, advertising the radio. Start a referral program. Use online ads, talk to target homeowners pop-up ads submit a press release, LinkedIn brand page. You utilize Twitter ads or implement text marketing. So I had text marketing on that twice.

[00:27:43] The key point, guys, if you're going to start driving in deals and you're going to start expanding yourself in the beginning, if you have no money, but time. Utilize these techniques that I put out. If you have money, you have to re-invest 15, 20, 30% of your revenue back into your business, into your marketing campaigns, into your systematizing of your marketing campaigns to drive an even more leads, which is going to give you more opportunity to go out and close more deals.

[00:28:12] Push marketing, pull marketing, spending money, investing time, whatever it is you have to realize. The only way you're going to make a deal is to get the phone, to ring with a lead. Once you get that lead, it's all up to you. It's salesmanship to make that deal and make it happen. So look, we had two weeks now, when we talked about marketing, we talked about riches and niches.

[00:28:33] We talked about push marketing. We talked about pull marketing. I don't want to hear excuses guys. If you have no money, I don't want to hear the excuse. If you have money, do yourself a favor and start reinvesting it into your marketing. Don't go out and buy the Lamborghini. Don't go out and buy yourself.

[00:28:47] The Rolex watch invest it into you, invest it into your business, and by all means invest it into your marketing. My name is Billy Alvaro. This is unstoppable REI wealth, another solo podcast. I am out there and making shit happen. I hope you guys are watching the list and follow me on. YouTube on Instagram, on Facebook unstoppable BA don't go to my personal Facebook because it's loaded with 5,000.

[00:29:13] I can't take anymore. Follow me and my business account on Facebook. If you have a deal you want to JV, you want a partner hit me. IM me the DME PME, do a smoke screen outside, whatever you gotta do, you hook up with me. I'll hook you up. My assistant will hook you up with our team. We are here to serve you.

[00:29:29] Make more deals happen, put money in your pocket, whatever we have to do. We're out here to make it a win-win and by all means, guys, go out there and make something happen. Take action. I will see you on the next podcast. Peace out. I'm losing my voice and I'm at a time .