Unstoppable REI Wealth

UREI-34 The Riches in The Niches

Episode Notes

On today's episode I am riding solo and digging into a few niches that you can build a list from but first...

Wanted to let you know some of the resources that I put together, a whole list of the tools and the strategies that we use that we tap into and that my guests, when they come on, they utilize, you can go to billyssecrets.com ,on there as a list of everything. We utilize the list sources that we use, the systems that we use, the software that we use.

The marketing pieces that we use, everything that we speak about. And I put that on there for a couple of different reasons. One, because I was getting emails and texts and phone calls and it was just overwhelming. So I said, let me just put everything in one website, one web page. So when somebody calls me for something, I can just refer them to the one website.

Any of the systems that we utilize and reference go right there. billyssecrets.com 

On the flip side, if you want to joint venture with me, if you have deals in New York and New Jersey that you want to renovate, that you find contact me myself, my team and I are at your disposal. We have 16 people on our team now, leveraging them to help you guys.

If you have a deal, you want us to help you analyze. That you want us to help you lock down that you want us to renovate. We will put together a joint venture agreement to get you involved, take the risk off your shoulders, and we will help you do those deals. 

If it's a wholesale deal, New York and New Jersey, we have our own crews or a construction company. Our own project managers in those States, we will help you renovate those properties and flip them. We'll also joint venture on the wholesale side, in New York, New Jersey, but niche nationally, we will do wholesale joint venture flips with anybody who's listening.

Now tune in and learn about what I did when I got started and what I would do if I was starting out, growing and scaling my real estate investing portfolio.

As always if you need anything come find me at billyalvaro.com and billyssecrets.com

Talk to you all soon!

Episode Transcription

welcome to Unstoppable Real Estate Investing Wealth. My name is Billy Alvaro, AKA the unstoppable BA former Billion dollar mortgage banker gone bankrupt turned professional real estate investor where each week you'll learn. The tools, strategies, systems, and secrets, myself and other highly successful real estate investing entrepreneurs used to start, grow and scale their businesses, creating massive profits and how you can too.

[00:00:30] And we'll teach you how to put those profits to work. So you no longer have to get ready to finally experience financial freedom and generational wealth. Now let's get started.

[00:00:42]Welcome back. Welcome back to another episode. I am Billy. Alvaro AKA the unstoppable BA today. I'm going to go and do a solo broadcast podcast, whatever the hell you want to call it, because I'm excited to bring to you some really good information. But before I go there, Wanted to let you know some of the resources that I have that I've been putting together over the last couple of months off my list.

[00:01:05] So any of this stuff that we talk about on the podcast, I put together a whole list of the tools and the strategies that we use that we tap into and that my guests, when they come on, they, they utilize, you can go to Billy's secrets.com on there as a list of everything. We utilize the list sources that we use, the systems that we use, the software that we use.

[00:01:26] The marketing pieces that we use, everything that we speak about. And I put that on there for a couple of different reasons. One, because I was getting emails and texts and phone calls and it was just overwhelming. So I said, let me just put everything in one website, one web page. So when somebody calls me for something, I can just refer them to the one website.

[00:01:46] So. Any of the systems that we utilize and reference go right there. billyssecrets.com on the flip side, if you want to joint venture with me, if you have deals in New York and New Jersey that you want to renovate, that you find contact me myself, my team are at your disposal. We have 16 people on our team now, and my team is leveraging them to help you guys.

[00:02:08] If you have a deal, you want us to help you analyze. That you want us to help you lock down that you want us to renovate. We will put together a joint venture agreement to get you involved, take the risk off your shoulders, and we will help you do those deals. Now in any other state, besides New York and New Jersey, we'll do it and help you.

[00:02:27] If it's a wholesale deal, New York and New Jersey, we have our own crews or a construction company. Our own project managers in those States, we will help you renovate those properties and flip them. We're also joint venture on the wholesale side, in New York, New Jersey, but niche nationally, we will do wholesale joint venture flips with anybody who's listening.

[00:02:44] So if that's you go to billyalvaro.com, there's a form headed up there or find me on social media unstoppable. BA Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube. Find me, hit me, IM, PM, me, DM me. Whatever you got to do get me. And then what I'll do is I'll hook you up with my teammates. They will assist you to make the deal happen.

[00:03:06] Everybody wins. We do a joint venture split on that deal. You walk away with cash. We walk with the cash and most of all, the seller walks away happy. Right? That's what it's all about. Putting, putting everybody in a better position. So today what I want to talk about is how do you guys get those deals? The number one way.

[00:03:24] To get or grow a business. Any business is through marketing and I grew my mortgage bank. That way. The title company will, the title company was really fed by the mortgage company. So let me push that to the side, but my mortgage business was grown off of marketing. My real estate investment business is growing.

[00:03:40] It has grown off of marketing. Without a lead. You don't have, you can't call it a person without a calling the person, you can't lock down a contract. You can't go to a house. You can't make money. It all starts with the beginning, which is driving in traffic, driving and leads. Now let's go through and start talking to you, which I think is some of the most important aspects when it comes out of real estate investing.

[00:04:03] So if you can see my screen, I'm going to actually do this. If you're not watching this on YouTube, there's a YouTube channel. You can go to billyalvaro.com. I had this whole thing put together and it's really a simple presentation, but what I want to do is I want to go through and speak to you out the niches, right?

[00:04:23] So there's two different things when you're doing marketing. So. The lifeblood of any business is marketing. If you market by pushing out marketing, whether it's online marketing, whether it's direct mail, and we're going to go into these pieces in later episodes, how has my direct mail campaigns, how would you might text blessing how I do my email?

[00:04:43] Today I wanted. And what, how I build my lists. This is important today. What I want to talk about is the house situation or personal situation, which I call riches and niches. If you focus on these things, whether you're starting. Or growing a little bit more difficult to do on the scale side, because there's not a lot of people that have fire damage properties, but on the scale side, I'm going to get into really freaking cool techniques of how we take our lists and how we, I guess, data manipulate to put all these overlays to figure out who's going to have the highest propensity to sell and sell for a cash discount.

[00:05:21] That's when you start getting into the scaling. Today's episode, we're going to speak specifically about how to start and grow and what you should be looking at in the business. So I have two screens opened up. I'm going to be going back and forth. You're going to see me looking cause on this screen, I can't see.

[00:05:36] Cause we have freaking blind, blind is a fucking bad. I can't see shit. All right. So here's the deal. When you're looking to start in the real estate investment business or you're looking to grow it, there's two things. We want you to take it and keep in mind. I want you to look at people who have a situation or a house that has a situation I'm going to go through the both of them now.

[00:05:58] So let's look at personal situations that you could find through public records, and you can start marketing to these people who have a situation. So the number one on here, and this isn't in any specific order, the first thing personal situation is a divorce, right? When people are going through divorce.

[00:06:18] And they have property that's inside that marriage, that relationship sometimes when they get divorced, they're going to have to sell whether it's a second house or primary residence. So divorces is a good lead list that you're going to want to start hitting to the ones that we make a ton of money. I mean, this past week, this past two weeks alone, we got four deals of very big deals that we got of here and estates and it's probate.

[00:06:46]Okay. So it estates and probates. Now what's the difference. Okay. On the probate side, this is where somebody passes either with a will or without a will, and they have real estate that they have to pass forward to the heirs. So with the probates, depending on where you live in the country, you could either purchase a list.

[00:07:09] Of people who have recently passed that , have, or don't have a will. And on the other side of it, with the estates, you can go to people who have a, an estate put together or a trust where that property is actually going to pass. No, will it passes right to their heirs. So those two lists right there, those two niches, if you hit them the right way, today's lesson.

[00:07:32] I'm starting, growing and scaling with marketing. I'm not going to go in deep into these. I want to give you an overview of the situation and the riches and niches, how you can start making money. And then later episodes, we're going to go through of how to actually drill into these. I'm going to give you the tools and the resources that we utilize to drive.

[00:07:50] These leads in. So estates and probates, big money deals. We get more deals, estates, and probates, but there's a certain way you have to market to them and a certain way you can't market to them. Evictions and burned out landlords. Now with COVID we're what? 14, 14, 15 months in the COVID I'm telling you that that niche right there is going to be absolutely explosive.

[00:08:20] Right. You can't get people out of your property. These tenants are in pain. I think in New Jersey don't quote, when it's over like 300,000 pending evictions assumption is what I heard, which is blowing my mind. I don't know if that's accurate. I saw a post that somebody said he just read it. So it's hearsay from hearsay.

[00:08:36] It's not actual documented from a, a reliable source, but if that's accurate, Holy shit. I don't know when your state, what the situation is, but I know in New York and New Jersey where we're doing a lot of our deals, the hold that's been on with these evictions has been ridiculous. Like landlords just can't, landlord's getting foreclosed on.

[00:08:56] And they obviously, the banks have to stay in the foreclosure process as well. So they can't foreclose, but the landlords aren't paying their mortgage, the landlords aren't collecting rent. Everything's stuck inside the court system right now. And , I think it's just a big fucking clusterfuck, to be honest with you.

[00:09:10] And that. I believe is a sick niche to focus in on because landlords just can't take it. They're getting beat up from the banks. They're going to be there from the tenants and they're ready to just like, let these properties go. And I'm telling you, we've picked up more properties in the last six months from landlords.

[00:09:28] Now the challenge is right now, if you pick up these properties, you're going to have to take it with an inherit. These non-paying tenants. And I know in New York, especially in the five boroughs, extremely difficult in the five boroughs is even when COVID wasn't. Yeah, we are to evict somebody, but, and that, so it's Suffolk has a little bit different, so I don't know where you are in the country.

[00:09:49] I just know that at least right now with this whole COVID thing, unwinding 14 months in evictions is a big. Tremendous opportunity. And it's a niche you guys should not overlook. That's a personal situation that the people are having one of the other ones, financial stress, right? So again, right now, landlords, again, 30, 60, 90 days behind regular people who are living in their property, but they may have lost their job that 30, 60, 90 days behind LP.

[00:10:17] So depending on where you are in the country, New York and New Jersey, It's a judicial state, right? So the list pendants gets filed. And then you have like a whole another year or two or three, depending on where you're at to foreclose this certain times, there's certain situations in New York where people are behind seven, eight, nine, 10 years and not lose their house.

[00:10:37] Why? Because the New York court system is absolutely horrendous. It's the worst in the country, in my opinion. And so you can have an LP file. And you won't get a judgment of foreclosure for years down the road. And that brings me to the next one judgment of foreclosure. Right? So the judgment after the 30, 60, 90 day late the bank sends out the letter to you, the LP gets filed from the bank to the court system, putting the note, the world on notice.

[00:11:02] That you're behind the mortgage and these lists are readily available. And then from there, they go through a couple of other steps and they finally get a judgment of foreclosure. That means that the judge has rendered a decision that they're going to foreclose from there. Then it goes to  a referee and then from the referee goes to the steps and they actually do an, a sale at the steps.

[00:11:20] And if they don't sell it, it goes back to the bank as an REO, the next personal situations, bankruptcies. Bankruptcy lists and you can get these lists available. If it's they filed a bankruptcy, a chapter seven or 13, and they own property. That's a pretty good list to hit the link where property taxes, like I'm going to put a little exclamation point on this one.

[00:11:41]People who are behind in their property taxes and they have a very little mortgage or no mortgage on the property at all ripe candidates to sell their property for cash and at a discount. We make a lot of money on the deliquent property taxes. We also in New York, we buy a property. We probably delinquent property tax, liquid properties, or the actual, the certificates.

[00:12:05] Now you can't buy them in Nassau or Suffolk, but in the villages you could actually buy the certificates. Now in other States, this is not a big deal. You can buy the certificates all the time. You get, anywhere from six to 18, 24% in some States. Interest on your money. And then you'll, you can go through if there's certain timeframe and actually foreclosed, but , the liquid taxes, I can tell you guys, it is a niche that you want to focus in on.

[00:12:30]And that, again, it's a personal situation to others is missed electric bills or missed water bills, right? So this is an indicator that they're having a personal situation and the last one on here, which it says short sale, but it's really. It really shouldn't be on her as a personal situation.

[00:12:47] You're going to have a short sale if you're delinquent or you're upside down and your property. Now let's go to the flip side. What other niches should you look at? We did the personal situation. Now I want to get into and look at the house situation. So take out your pen and pad because these are the top ones that we've been working on.

[00:13:05] That we've made a shit ton of money over the last 12 years of putting together a marketing campaign. Now, if you're starting out. What I want you to do after we go through the personal and house situations, I want you to focus in on one or two of these niches. You can't go out and start doing all. Once you get to this scale portion of your business, you can take all these personal situations.

[00:13:29] Cause you have systems that you've created over time. All these house situation, niches that we're going to go through, you can start having multiple campaigns that you're going to be sending out. And so that's how you start to get to the scale portion. But what I don't want you to do, if you're brand new, if you're just starting out or if you're just starting to grow is I don't want you to look at.

[00:13:49] All the stuff that I'm giving you right now is speaking about and go out there and try to do it all, because guess what? Nothing's going to get done, right? Start with one, get your campaign together, get your systems together, launch it, track it, monetize it, then kick up another one. I hope that makes sense.

[00:14:04] So let's get into now the house situations. Number one on my list. And again, no specific or number one code violations. I can tell you code violations. Every. State every city, every municipality, every village has their own little process that you have to go through to get these code violations. I can tell you that when you contact the city or the town for any one of these code violations, actually any one of these lists that pertains to the city of the town, let's just say tax lien or code violation or vacant houses.

[00:14:41] The city is going to tell you, I'm sorry, we don't offer that list. You have to go through and figure out specifically what code you're trying to get. If it's, distress properties properties would high grass properties with a tarp on the roof properties with crap in the front yard, you have to figure out what the violation is specifically in the municipality you're looking for.

[00:15:02] And then in the States that I work in New York and New Jersey, New York, it's called , a foil request. And in New Jersey, it's called an Oprah request. Open public records and a new job in New York. It's a freedom of information act. And depending on where you're at, you're going to want to put in the foil and put in the Oprah, whatever it is in your state, your city, your municipality be specific to the code in that municipality that you're looking to get, send it into them.

[00:15:30] And by law, they have to give you the list. Now. They're going to come back and tell you, they're not going to give it to you. I can tell you that. Because when I started doing this in every municipality we went into, they came back and said, sorry, that's not available. Sorry. That's not open for the public.

[00:15:46] If you say you're using it for marketing, they're going to shut you down. So you have to be clever with how you go in to get these lists. But I can tell you from firsthand experience from doing this. Full-time for what? 13, 14 years. This shit works. You're gonna get a, no, you have to understand how to turn that.

[00:16:04] No, one's who? Yeah. So code violations, when it comes down to the warehouse situation, if you're going after them, you're not going to have a ton. You're not going to have a shitload, but it is a killer frigging list. Guys. It's a killer list. It's going to make you money. Here's one of my old time favorites.

[00:16:22] Cause this is how I got started. Vacant houses Vacant houses end, or the lap of faded houses, which dilapidated would fall into the code. Right. But vacants, man, I gotta tell you, man, it's, it's how I got my start. I mean, I started cranking and kicking ass when I was $14 million in debt. When I didn't have a pot to piss in, when I was behind on my mortgage, when I was being foreclosed on, when they repoed my car, the vacant house program that we put together that I just.

[00:16:53] figured it out. Got me out of that mess. Got me onto the financial, the pathway to financial freedom, and literally started making me millions of dollars. It took off like this with the beacon house program. So if you're out there and you want to start making money in this, and you're starting out vacant houses or dilapitated houses is the way to go.

[00:17:14] Now, if you go to billyssecrets.com, And you scroll down and think it's Billy's vacant house program, a Billy's vacant house lists. I have an affiliation with another company that their software, I didn't have this off when I started, if I had it. I probably it would have taken me not five years to get where I wanted to go.

[00:17:32] Probably would've taken me like a year or maybe eight months because their software is killer. Billyssecrets.com, scroll down it, think it says Billy's vacant house or Billy's deal machine. I have an affiliation with them. I think they give you 20, 30 or 40% off your first, your first thing. But let me tell you what this program does.

[00:17:50] Right? Because I didn't have this. When I started. In in this business and I had no money and no time. And I mean, I have all the time, but no money, no job, no income, no credit. I'm like, how am I going to start making money? And I talked about this in one of my previous first or second or third episode. So I'm going to give you the abbreviated version.

[00:18:09]I went out and I searched for vacant houses. This is before I figured out how to automate this. And I would find a vacant house and I would take the picture, write down the address and I would come home and I would skip trace it. And. It would take me a lot of time to put this together. So now this company came out a few years back, which is killer killer freaking company.

[00:18:27] The software rocks, kicks ass guys. My office use it. I use it. My girl uses it. Like, it's just, it's a crazy piece of software. If you go on their deal machine on Billyssecrets.com vacant house program, you literally do this.  You drive neighborhoods and is a way that if you're looking to scale your business, they have a system that you can actually have a ton of people.

[00:18:49] Two, three, 400 people on your team for a few dollars and they can actually do this for you. But if you're starting out, you're going to go drive around. It gives you a little guide of where you drove, what neighborhoods do you know? You hit them. You're going to see a house. You're going to take a picture with your cell phone of the property.

[00:19:05] It's going to pull up, who owns it. If they're in foreclosure, if it's an estate, if it's a probate, if they're behind on taxes, if the house is vacant what else does it say if they're dead or alive, right? Then it's going to give you with another click of a button. It's going to skip trace it. It's going to give you their cell phone, their home phone, their current address, every piece of information you could eat.

[00:19:26] Then if you click another button, you're going to be able to actually send out direct mail every single month. It's going to have a postcard with a picture that you just took. And it's going to say, Hey, Bob and Mary is going to send it through the new mailing address. My name is Billy. I was in the neighborhood.

[00:19:41] I'm looking to buy this house. Is this house yours? Do you want to sell it? I'm telling you the software rocks. It kicks ass. And so go back now when I did this, I didn't have that software and I still rock the freaking house and meet. So hundreds of thousands when I got started doing is now over the last, over the years, it's been millions of dollars that we've created with the vacant houses.

[00:20:05] One of the best one, I'm set. One of the best deals out there. One of the best niches is vacant houses. Go to Billy secrets, utilize that vacant house program. If it says either that or deal, deal, machine deal finder, one of the best pieces of software, but you don't even need the software. You can do it on your own.

[00:20:25] If you don't have a dollar to your name, you don't need software. You just need to be resourceful. So don't think you need the software, but if you have the money, it's a few bucks, use the software because it absolutely rocks and kicks ass.  So vacants the next one, fire damage.

[00:20:42] He has another thing. So I got think it was like nine years ago. I figured out how to automate the fire damage program. And there's not a lot of leads when it comes to fire damage, right? Like full disclosure. It's not like there's 5,000 houses in your municipality. It's going to go on fire every single time.

[00:21:01] But depending on where you're at, you'll get 20, 30, 50, or a hundred root fire damage, fire damage houses a month, depending on where you're at. And there's a whole process we have that we put together that we automated. Anytime there's a fire instantaneously, we get the information VA polls. It goes to my skip trace.

[00:21:19] Goes to my telemarketing system, my telemarketers call, they start texting. They start emailing, they start phone calling the direct mail, goes out, and guess what? We're making three, five 10 of these deals a year. And then I have affiliates and I have JV partners that are bringing me fire damage houses and fire damage houses to me, not a ton, but you're going to make big money on the fire damage.

[00:21:44] And again, starting and growing. You're going to want to add these in eventually pick one in the beginning, don't get overwhelmed and do more. The next one on here is water damage, fire damage, water damage, almost go hand in hand mold properties, water, damage properties, big money at it. Now, if you don't know what you're doing, if the house has get raised and look, I'm not a house raising, I just posted on Facebook a couple of weeks ago.

[00:22:08] Like I'm looking at raise one of these houses. What the hell is the situation? How do I find out what this municipality? Because all the little villages are different in Long Island when it comes down to having the raise, the houses, but water damage properties is a good list to go after and we'll show you how to do that.

[00:22:26] Health violations, depending on where you're at in the country, health violations are a big one, right? So you can go down to your local with your municipality and find out if the property has any health violations. This is big in the city and the five boroughs. No, CO's for a property. This is a niche like out here in Jersey.

[00:22:43] It's crazy different from New York. Like if you're selling a property out here, you have to it's your, your job to contact the town. And the town comes out and actually inspects the property prior to you selling it. And even if you're buying it for cash, if I close without the town coming in and doing an inspection, I can get like fines up the wazoo.

[00:23:07] It's a crime. It's not like that. Well now long Island it's you pull a title, you pull a CFO search it's on you to close. And if there's no CFO for a bathroom, the town doesn't come in and look at it. It's crazy. So. The bottom line. If you can get a list of properties with no CFOs on it, it's a good list to get.

[00:23:27] Now here's some miscellaneous niche lists that you can do for house situation and miscellaneous list period, out of state owners. Non-owner oct free and clear. And auctions, right? Auctions. I think in the future are going to come back in a big way. Right now they're dead. And non-existent because their are no auctions due to COVID, but it is going to happen down the road and the for sale by owners, I think right now, because the market is so freaking hot for sale by owner, or are they going to want absolute top dollar?

[00:23:56] They could list it by themselves. They can get top dollar. I mean, look. We're putting properties on the market and everybody's like, I sold over ask. Everybody's selling over ask. Cause there's no frigging inventory. So right now, because the market's so hot, some of these ones that we're talking about are not going to be great lead lists, but in the future, when the market shifts, everything changes, that means different lead sources become better than what they were in the past.

[00:24:20] Back in 2008, 2009, home auctions, REOS and auctions were on fire. Because there was a thousand, a hundred thousand REOS that were coming to a foreclosure all over the place. Now there's no foreclosure. So the REO market auction markets dried up, that's going to change in the future. So here's the deal guys.

[00:24:39] I just gave you what I consider and this more than this , I can talk for hours about personal situation and how situation, but these are the lists, the niches that if I was starting out. I would look at one of these or two of these, and I would pick them if I was growing my business and I already had systems in place, I would look to find out which one of these and want to do an overlay on or add to my arsenal.

[00:25:06] And if I was going to scale my business, we're going to talk about that. A couple of episodes in the future of what you can do with technology, with AI to take these lead lists, package them all up and figure out. Which list is going to have the best, the highest probability, which name on your list is going to have the highest probability of selling and selling for a discount.

[00:25:28] But when it comes down to the grow in your real estate business or any business, I started opening with this. You have to drive in leads without a lead. You don't have an appointment without an appointment. You don't have an opportunity to get a contract without a contract. You don't make any money, but it all starts.

[00:25:47] From generating a lead, that's going to come in. And so lead generation niches an riches. If you're starting out, if you're growing or you're scaling, look to see what you can do to start getting your business to the next level. And so I put on here just a few things you can start doing, right? So if you're brand new to this whole industry, how do you go about taking these lists or these niches that we just spoke about?

[00:26:14] What could you do. To drive in deals. So there's two things that you can put out there. And I think, you know what I'm going to do. I'm going to talk about push marketing and pull marketing because I've already, I'm already in a half an hour. So I'm going to break this episode out the next time I join you guys, where you join me, I want to talk about now, how do you take your niche lists and how do you actually go about.

[00:26:38] Pushing bringing deals in by either push marketing, or pull marketing. We're going to go through what that is and what it means and how to do it. So that's it. I hope I'm going to pull this down here. Hope you enjoy today's episode. It's about 26 minutes in 27 minutes in. If you want to learn about any of this stuff, if you want to get involved and get the lists that we're talking about, or the marketing systems that we're talking about, or the driving for dollars after we're talking about go to Billyssecrets.com.

[00:27:05] Everything is on there. If you want to learn, train, grow, Billyalvaro.com. Check me out there and listen. I know your guys and girls could invest your time listening to anybody. I'm grateful that you're investing some time with me. I hope I'm giving you guys value. Future episodes, I'm going to be going into to some of this deeper in the marketing end.

[00:27:26] We're also going to be bringing on some more guests and I'm going to be a hundred percent transparent. I've been like balls to the wall, busy. COVID has got my company just ramped up pre COVID. I was kind of like hanging out for a bit for two, three years. I was in like 12 hour, a week work mode, everything was running and people were doing it for me, but now I'm in growth mode and I'm back in the trenches.

[00:27:48] Growing New Jersey growing New York and I'm having a ball doing it. And so, I'm really excited to, to bring you guys what we're going to be doing. We're going to be putting out some really good content. On the construction side of the business, because we opened up a whole construction arm and a, I'm going to be super excited to bring that to you.

[00:28:03] A few genocides as well. So again, I'm grateful that you guys listening. This is Billy Alvaro hit me up on social media and I want you to do me one favor and then do yourself one favor. I want you to take something that you've learned and I want you to go out there and I want you to implement like a freaking animal and then hit me on social media and tell me what you did.

[00:28:26] Because it's listen, you can listen to these podcasts all day long, but if you don't implement, it's fruitless. I guys peace out until next time. I'll see ya. .