Unstoppable REI Wealth

97 Brad Chandler A Real Estate Legend Reprogramming His Life

Episode Summary

Welcome back to another episode of Unstoppable REI Wealth and today our guest is Brad Chandler. Brad first got introduced to real estate when he read a book in 9th grade on how to buy houses. In 2002 an investor bought his neighbor's house in Vienna Virginia and after talking with the investor he decided to start Express Homebuyers. 20 years later Express Homebuyers has bought and sold 4,000 homes across the country and runs primarily without his involvement. Brad's main focus is making an impact on the team members and the clients they serve by providing a customized solution that best addresses the clients' individual needs. In early 2021 he went through a major life transformation and found freedom and happiness through self-love. In 2022, because of the profound shift, he felt obligated to share this path with others and started Brad Chandler Coaching. You can find out more about this at BradChandler.com. During Brads efforts to help his son overcome his extreme anxiety he found out that he had unresolved trauma from his childhood. That unresolved trauma caused his subconscious mind to rule his life by a set of untruths - mainly that he wasn't worthy - causing a lack of self-love and self-compassion. Those untruths dominated his life, costing him two marriages, $9M in business mistakes, use of alcohol and marijuana to escape, amongst many other negative things. Through a transformative exercise and ongoing meditation and neural reprogramming. He has been able find self-love and self-compassion and no longer allows those untruths to affect his life. He was literally and figuratively born again. He found true freedom. You can do the same. If you need help please reach out to Brad at bradchandler.com/contact. He formed Brad Chandler Coaching to Help you transform your life to achieve the happiness and freedom you deserve. Please subscribe. Much love! And after that head on over to... https://easysell411.com https://billyalvaro.com https://billyssecrets.com Who knows maybe you will be our next partner? To get some neat (and FREE) Tools | Tips | Tricks to help you in REI!

Episode Notes

Welcome back to another episode of Unstoppable REI Wealth and today our guest is Brad Chandler.

Brad first got introduced to real estate when he read a book in 9th grade on how to buy houses. In 2002 an investor bought his neighbor's house in Vienna Virginia and after talking with the investor he decided to start Express Homebuyers. 20 years later Express Homebuyers has bought and sold 4,000 homes across the country and runs primarily without his involvement. Brad's main focus is making an impact on the team members and the clients they serve by providing a customized solution that best addresses the clients' individual needs. In early 2021 he went through a major life transformation and found freedom and happiness through self-love. In 2022, because of the profound shift, he felt obligated to share this path with others and started Brad Chandler Coaching. You can find out more about this at BradChandler.com.

During Brads efforts to help his son overcome his extreme anxiety he found out that he had unresolved trauma from his childhood. That unresolved trauma caused his subconscious mind to rule his life by a set of untruths - mainly that he wasn't worthy - causing a lack of self-love and self-compassion. Those untruths dominated his life, costing him two marriages, $9M in business mistakes, use of alcohol and marijuana to escape, amongst many other negative things. Through a transformative exercise and ongoing meditation and neural reprogramming. He has been able find self-love and self-compassion and no longer allows those untruths to affect his life. He was literally and figuratively born again. He found true freedom. You can do the same. If you need help please reach out to Brad at bradchandler.com/contact. 

He formed Brad Chandler Coaching to Help you transform your life to achieve the happiness and freedom you deserve. Please subscribe. Much love!

And after that head on over to...




Who knows maybe you will be our next partner?

To get some neat (and FREE) Tools | Tips | Tricks to help you in REI!

Episode Transcription


people, years, hypnosis, brad, life, bro, trauma, literally, tv, state, business, suffering, market, kid, deep, marketing, world, jose silva, months, amazing


Billy, Brad


Billy  00:01

Good Welcome to unstoppable real estate investing well my name is Billy Alvaro, aka the unstoppable BA former billion dollar mortgage banker gone bankrupt turn professional real estate investor, where each week you'll learn the tools, strategies, systems and secrets myself and other highly successful real estate investing entrepreneurs use to start, grow and scale their businesses creating massive profits and how you can too, and we'll teach you how to put those profits to work. So you no longer have to get ready to finally experience financial freedom and generational wealth now let's get started. What's up everybody? Welcome back to another episode unstoppable Rei wealth I'm your host, unstoppable BA and I am bro this is going to be a good interview because I've been a fan of Mr. Brad Chandler for years met him at CG probably six or seven years ago. And I've been watching Brad he has a company that is a mammoth of a company he's crushing it in various different markets is his ability to drive in leads from TV and I think from radio as well if I'm not mistaken, is Barnatan to anybody else out there so happy to introduce I get this interview with Mr. Rad Chandler rad What's up, buddy?


Brad  01:36

Hey, man, so excited to be on this podcast awesome stuff.


Billy  01:40

Dude, you are a legend in your own right. And you've been crushing it in the Baltimore market, the DC market and now I understand you're in Los Angeles. Yeah. So So look, you're this whole when I do this podcast, I teach people how to start grow and scale by using different tools and strategies. You're in the definitely mega scale phase like you've been in the scale phase for years. Right so let's get into some of the strategies at this phase of the of your business life here and and once we go into your business and people in status, I want to kind of do a little bit of a shift because you've been through a metamorphosis over the last like 18 to 24 months like personally had some really phenomenal personal changes, your business is always killing it. But as an individual, I've seen some serious personal growth out of you over the last 18 It's wait for it. So I want to get into your head on that April. But let's let's start with the business first business scaling. What are you doing so freaking different bro, to get you to where you're at and how you've been staying at that level for so many years?


Brad  02:42

You know, I think what we're really good at Billy is lead generation and lead follow up. We've got a team of 13 full time VAs in the Philippines. And now if think I've got like seven acquisition associates, so when a lead comes in, I mean we are all over it all the time until they tell us to you know, piss off, stop calling me we're all over. We're all over it. We just We just never stopped so I think that is one of the huge things we're really good at lead generation and follow up.


Billy  03:10

Alright, so on the lead gen side because we all know lead generation marketing lifeblood of any business. I don't care what business you're in if you're not marketing, whether it's network marketing, referral marketing lead generation to direct to consumer, you got to do it. What what marketing are you doing? Because you're doing like a lot of everything from what I remember.


Brad  03:29

Yeah, so we're not we're not doing a whole lot anymore. Of course, we've gone through a major shift in the real estate market too. So things are changing there. But over the last year, it's been TV we've got into streaming which means we're on the Hulu's of the world the Roku is of the world that's been really interesting and in a nice ROI and then we do Facebook marketing and we do Google Pay Per Click so that that's really it we tried radio on and off and never really had great success with a TV it's kind of been our bread and butter


Billy  03:57

TV has been in I remember a couple of the of the presentations you've done TV has been killing it to you for you for years


Brad  04:03

for for 19 years we spent millions and millions of dollars on TV


Billy  04:07

so when your market cuz I know New York every single market is different and your market are you hitting a broad general broad area on the TV side you go and try to go niche on the local side.


Brad  04:17

No so we're so we're doing broadcast so it hits a huge area but with the streaming you're able to pinpoint down to houses and stuff it's pretty amazing. You're able to put in like you know demographics of how old they are, how long they've lived in house are they a homeowner that type of stuff. On the TV


Billy  04:33

side Brad Are you are you going in 30 second commercials a 60 second


Brad  04:37

Both, we we primarily run 60s But we have we've done some 30s and we spent years doing 15 So they all work


Billy  04:47

it's amazing man you know I would love after this show to to pick your brain because I've tried TV just in the Long Island market and I could not for the life of me to get it to work and I've spent a shit ton of my lost a shitload of money on The other TV investing but I know human is a few guys that are really dialed in a TV. So what makes you in your experience? What Why is it working for you? Is your market?


Brad  05:11

So I think it's 19 I don't think it has to do with the market so much, I think has to do with 19 years of testing, right? We've been with one partner now for 10 years, I trust him like a family member. I tell him to spend more money. He's like, Brad, you don't need to spend any more money. I'm on the I'm on the TV commercials. A lot of people have told me throughout my whole life that I'm very trusting. I create safety for people. So I think that I think a lot of people can relate to me, they see me on TV, and they're like, this guy doesn't look like a slime ball. It's going to try to steal my house. He's going to come out and help me. So I think that helps. We've got it, we've got an amazing jingle. The best $2,000 I ever spent was back in 2003, when I started hadn't had a negative 80,000 or net worth. My dad was an attorney and he did TV advertising. So I'm like, Can I use your people? And in the small town of Harrisonburg, Virginia, they created this jingle for $2,000 Express Homebuyers, we'll buy your house for set and we'll buy your house in seven days. I mean, we've gone off the air for a year and a half, and people will call us and like sing the jingle. So


Billy  06:09

it's amazing, man. It is amazing. So for 19 years, I would say you definitely have it dialed in. Are you are you open to talk about cost at all, when it runs you a monthly basis for marketing and cost per per phone call and plus for the cost per acquisition?


Brad  06:23

You know, honestly, I am open to it. I don't know those numbers I work for I work three hours now and Express Homebuyers and I spend the other time working on Brad Chandler coaching. So


Billy  06:33

love it. Alright, so let's let's do this. Then. Your marketing, you gave us the the three or four different areas that you're putting out how much do you have an idea of how much overall you're investing on a monthly basis as your marketing platform?


Brad  06:44

I mean, we're, we're over six figures. Over six.


Billy  06:47

Okay. Yeah. And give us an idea of and I don't know how you do it, everybody does a little bit different. Give us an idea of the units that you're that you're bringing in a month under contract and how many units a month we actually are putting out and selling.


Brad  06:58

So this year, we'll be just just around 300 Total Units for the year.


Billy  07:02

Unbelievable. Brother, congratulations that is in this market. And in the areas that you're in not an easy feat to do. I mean, that is a Impressive, impressive thing. And you said you have 14 Vas plus you have seven acquisitions, people? Roughly Yeah, roughly seven. How is the mortgage out in? In Las Vegas? Los Angeles treaty? What? What's that, like you do with it


Brad  07:24

We actually just put a fixed flip on on the market. I think we bought it for 550. We put in about 65 I think we got a contract at 800. So to hear that it just clicked. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So so. So the market, they are just like it is here. prices are coming down and things are slowing. There's less buyers. Obviously. Someone could afford a 600,000. Our house can now only for 390 2000. Our house. So prices are coming down.


Billy  07:55

No doubt. Alright. So look, give us an idea is I know you're working three hours a week. What is the structure somebody that's scaling and do with 300 houses a year? What's your business structure? Like give us an idea of the the higher level of your executive team, your management team? And then you told us about the seven seven acquisitions, people in the 40 Li managers that are out in the Philippines?


Brad  08:17

Yes. So we brought in a CFO a little over a year ago. He's been instrumental in helping us kind of streamline and get me out of the business. And my partner, my partner also works. You've met, you've met John, he's he works a lot less. So we got the CFO. underneath him. We have like an operations manager. She's responsible. She does like sales support. And then she manages all the VAs. And then we have an Acquisition Manager that manages the seven, six or seven acquisition folks. And then we've got we've got a transaction coordinator, we've got an assistant to the CFO. And then we've got our disposition. So we've got kind of two and a half people on our disposition team, one guy that's been there for 18 years. He helps he runs dispositions. He's got one person under him and then a part time person under him.


Billy  09:02

So you're doing three deals with one transaction coordinator.


Brad  09:06

Yeah. And we just kind of put somebody in that position.


Billy  09:09

Wow, how in the hell I mean, you must be dialed in to have one person


Brad  09:13

will do. I don't know that. I so I think that I think that a lot of it was done by the disposition person. And we had we work with a pretty good title company, they do a lot of it. Since we put we put a star person in that transaction role, we started to see our deals turn a lot quicker.


Billy  09:28

Oh, yeah. Yeah. I look, is there anything is I'm really, you know, I've been talking real estate for the last six hours. I've been interviewing people like crazy, but I really want to pick your brain, Brad, because this you've gone through some sort of transformation. Over the last I think it's been like 18 or 24 months, but I've I've been seeing a completely different, you know, Brad 5.0 That just resurfaced out of this thing and like, what have you gone through? What have you been putting yourself through to get yourself elevated to the status because bro, you're like, I'm looking at Right now you like you're glowing? I've heard


Brad  10:03

that I'm honored that you say that. I've heard that from so many people, it's a really amazing compliment. Because the old me at the at the CGS, when we used to hang out was a lot of drinking and a lot of smoking weed to make myself feel comfortable. So 20 months, 20 months ago, I went to get my, at the time 18 or 19 year old son help with anxiety. And I was on a zoom call like this. And the lady I was working with within five minutes looked at me and said, you have a tic? And I was like, What are you talking about? She goes, You blink uncontrollably. But when you talk about your childhood, every time you bring up your child and you start blinking like this, I'm like talking about going like this, I'd even notice it, she goes you probably have some unresolved childhood trauma. Do you want to come out and work with my my husband, an ex Navy Seal, we've got this intensive and I'm like, sure if it's gonna help my son, well, we'll both come out. So over that weekend, there was a three hour period where I got into a super relaxed state, he asked me about my childhood, we came up with events where I was either stressed or out of control had no control, or it's just some traumatic event. And what happens we humans, our brain does what it's supposed to do through those events. It comes up with a story on why are we going through this and how we're going to get through it. And most of the times it's one of three things. I'm not good enough. I don't belong and therefore I can't connect or I'll never get what I'm gonna do. I'll never get what I want. For me. It wasn't I was enough. When something bad happens to a six year old kid, what is the six year old kid said, the six year old kid says something must be wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with my parents. And then so it's great at six years old to keep you going and get you through that trauma. But when you're 47 years old, and you're making business decisions that you don't even know that your subconscious mind are making because your subconscious mind saying hey, you're not enough, you better go prove to the world you're enough you got to make millions and millions of dollars. So in that weekend, I sought the truth I found the truth through this exercise that there was never anything wrong with me. It was my caregivers that there was something wrong and they just pushed their imperfect beliefs on me so yeah, I did I changed I mean I am I was literally and figuratively born again I am a completely different human being than I was two years ago,


Billy  12:03

completely different for I mean, just the way you carry yourself the way you speaking the way you look like and I'm not like I'm not blowing smoke, you look younger than you did just two three years ago. Like it's weird. You'll look like a younger version, you a healthier version, a more definitely more happier version.


Brad  12:20

But when you when you when you cut out sugar and you cut out weed and you cut out alcohol, and you stop telling yourself these silly stories that we all do and live in the truth. Your world will change, I promise you and now I've been I've been fortunate enough to study under the some of the best people in the world. And I've become a Certified Hypnotherapist as well. That now I've developed this proven method that anyone that suffering for any reason relationship issues, addiction issues, eating issues, OCD issues, depression, anxiety, you name it, it will all come back to your childhood programming, it will all come back to stress or trauma that you went through as a kid where you form these untruths. And all we got to do is tell you the truth, and then through neuro linguistic programming and through recording that you listen to in an alpha state as you're going to bed at night you reprogram your beautiful mind. And then you are forever free.


Billy  13:09

Bro I love that you're throwing at alpha alpha. I love that you're talking about NLP I love that you told me about hypnosis because this path I've been like on it. Last couple of years, I started getting real deep into it over the last 1416 months to where like you're saying getting yourself into the opposite. Have you ever? I'll ask that question a little bit in regards to the book. But so tell me the lady who you studied on the for the hypnosis, she's NLP? What other technologies is she bringing in? Because I know she kind of ran it as a room. But I know there's a few different technologies that she's kind of blending together to create this new hypnosis that she's brought to the table.


Brad  13:45

Yeah, I mean, she coined it rapid transformational therapy. So what it is, it's a combination of hypnotherapy. It's a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy. And it's a combination of NLP. And I think there's a couple other ones she literally for 40 years has been doing this 3040 years, and she's taken the best. So hundreds of people 1000s of people she's dealt with, including myself, who went through therapy, whether it was traditional talk therapy, or marriage therapy for 30 years, and then they show up and in one two hour session, these people are like completely completely changed. So she coined this rapid transformational therapy. She's like, you guys don't have to go through 20 years of talk therapy. And if you've gone through 20 years of talk therapy, and you're like, I've tried it all, nothing works. I just have to live in this miserable state. I've got to live in this shitty marriage. I've got to live with an extra 100 pounds. No, you don't. You don't have to suffer anymore. I promise you she has developed a technique that will will rapidly I mean, I have clients because I've been taking clients for the last nine months right? Where in three one hour sessions their life completely changed before their eyes.


Billy  14:47

And is it all based on hypnosis and each one of these sessions that you actually bring them through to hypnotic state getting into that deep Alpha data state.


Brad  14:55

So in my the way that I do it, there's a couple of there's a couple of meanings up front for For an hour each, where it's in the conscious state, I'm learning a lot about them. Then there's a two hour hypnosis session where they are in hypnosis the entire time. And then we have follow up to see, hey, how are you implementing everything that we've learned about why you were controlled? And when you become aware as an adult, that's that you've got to have awareness that someone's that once said, how do you break out of prison? You've got to know you're in prison. There's a lot of people in this world that don't know they're in prison. So you can't escape from prison if you don't know that you're in prison. So we become we, if you'd have asked me two years ago, are you in prison? Do you love yourself? I'd have been like, No, I'm not in prison. I've got a great life. I love myself. But all you have to do, Billy, it's just like when you ask someone, do they have an alcohol problem? No, I don't have an alcohol problem. What do you do, you start asking about the different areas of the life, right. So if you're angry all the time, if you're stressed, if you're worried about your kids getting hurt constantly, if you're judging people, if you're in a in a state where you're constantly like irritated, if you drink too much, if you eat too much, if you're in a shitty marriage, any of those things will tell you that you're going on social media every day telling people how great you are, if you're saying how much money you make, any of those things will lead you back to hang on a second, you don't have self love. And the only way that you get true freedom in this world is through self love and self compassion, no money, no boat, no car, no woman, no matter money will ever do it. It's all everything you've ever needed. To be happy is within you. And so we just need to trauma, what it does is it takes you away from the connection with yourself. So what this proven process does is it reconnects you with yourself, your essence, when you were born is a perfect human being an image of God, right? We get corrupted by our imperfect parents and imperfect caregivers. But guess what we can get back to that essence of when you were a two year old, a one year old, a three year old. And that's all I do. I let people reconnect with themselves, which gives them the self love and self freedom, which gives them you know, the ultimate freedom.


Billy  16:54

It's amazing brother, and you know, you everything you said is right on point. And this the fears, the ego, it's all learned behavior, everything that we have as adults, all this baggage that we brought together where we're at now, it's all learned behavior from a kid with programming. I'm sure you know this, but I just want to say for the listeners, when you're a kid, when you're when you're in the womb as a baby up till about seven years old, children are naturally in the theta state most of the time. So what does that mean? When you're in theta state, you can literally be programmed as what you're doing and what your your teacher is doing. You're programming somebody for what they want to do. So if you're in a household, with craziness all the time and mom and dad fighting and alcoholism, and just issues or just negative self talk where life sucks, and life is hard. This is too much. As a kid, all you do is hear that and over time, that statement becomes true to you and a belief that you're now eight 910 1550 years old, and you still held those same friggin beliefs. And so the key point with this whole thing is, as a child, you can develop a kid from zero to seven years old simply by the words you choose to tell them how you speak to them, you can mold your child, but you could also do it as an adult. If you get yourself into alpha and or theta state, you go into those deep states, and you're in a hypnotic state, you can literally reprogram rewire, rechange, your whole entire past, present and definitely 100% Your future you agree with that or not?


Brad  18:24

Oh my god. I mean, right on. We're only born with the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, everything else we are, it's all learned. So if we learned it, you can unlearn it, right. And the fear you spoke to fear. So everyone in life, anytime that someone does anything toward you, it's one of two things, it's a call for love, they need love, or it's a show of love, they're giving you love, you get to respond as a human being in one or two ways. love or fear and ego. So if you have these untruths in your in your mind of you're not good enough, you can't connect, you're never going to get what you want, you're going to always respond in fear ego, the more you respond in love, the better your life is going to be. So everyone who's listening right now can do this literally. They can they can when someone does something to them, they can ask themselves, is this a show of love or call for love? They can identify it. And then they can say how am I going to respond? If they want to break the cycle and they want to change their family? They need to start responding and love. How do you do that by you do that easily by turning around the false beliefs that we have in our head. So yeah, man, this stuff is amazing. We could I could talk for days about this stuff.


Billy  19:26

I love it. Now. I want I want to get back into the hypnotism because there's a lot of people who think you know, you're gonna hold a watch in front of somebody's face and close your eyes and your hands on fire run around like a chicken. It's not like that correct?


Brad  19:39

No, I mean, it's not the way most people think you're on stage. A bunch of people are laughing as you're chasing around a fictitious mouse, right? Hypnosis is just, it's asleep of the nervous system. When you drive to your office every day. You don't think I'm going to turn my turn signal on here. I'm going to go on the street. I'm going on that street. You're basically in hypnosis. It's a deep relaxed state so you can access the subconscious One of the big problems with traditional talk therapy is it's done in the conscious mind. You're sitting there talking to therapists, and you're, you're in a conscious state, right? Your behavior isn't directed and driven by and controlled by conscious thoughts is 85% and unconscious, you don't even know it. Like, I didn't wake up every day and say, I'm no good. So I'm gonna go open three markets when I shouldn't, I'm gonna go buy a yacht and go to the Bahamas. No, it was my subconscious saying, Well, if you buy that yacht, and you take it to the Bahamas, maybe you're going to be worth something to somebody. So let's go buy the yacht, let's do that. I didn't know that I didn't make a conscious decision.


Billy  20:37

You said something about talking to the therapist you're in, you're in a higher state. So when you're in that state, it's called beta state. I know, you know, this. When you're in beta state, as we're in beta state. Right now we're talking we're processing, you're processing information, but it's not getting into your subconscious. When you go into the theta state. That's when your brainwaves literally, they're almost before almost before deep state of sleep, and they get right to a point where you're conscious, but you're not fully aware, but you're aware of you. This is where you bypass the conscious level of thinking right into the subconscious brain, where you can reprogram yourself, honestly, because I've been seeing this shit work, literally for anything. Um, it's so weird that you're on this whole path, bro. Because I'm like, when I saw you start to do this, I watched and I heard you what you were doing. I'm like, holy shit. Like, I haven't gone through the program you've gone through, but I've been studying enough to understand language it utilizing. It's powerful, bro. I've been using it on myself for the last couple of years. It's freaking powerful, and what you could program yourself to do if you have the right technologies. And if you have the right trainer, like yourself, where you go through a certain course. Have you ever heard of Jose Silva?


Brad  21:42

I have not No, God, you should use it's mind


Billy  21:45

control. Jose Silva. He was back in this in the 60s and 70s. It's a very similar technology, what you're utilizing, He taught his kids how to get better in school by literally hit by hypnotizing them. But he got them into a state of deep alpha and then deep theta. And he has a whole process that you can go through, like when I do my meditations, I've leveraged his methodology with the Meuse band. And I get myself into deep Alpha within like 10 seconds of going on there. And I know that simply because, gee, I measure everything it tells me holy shit, like I'm in deep alpha for 1015 20 minutes, however long ago it but it's bro it's phenomenal. But you're on this path. So


Brad  22:24

what I mean you to like, like, I know your life story, right? I know, you suffered a lot, I suffered a lot. You know how many people are listening to this call that are suffering terribly. And they're like, this is just the way life is we are here to tell you, this is not the way life has to be. You don't have to suffer your suffering. 99% of the world's suffering is self inflicted. And it starts in the thinking. And so there's a proven method, just change your thinking. And it will change your behavior and will change your actions and it will change your world. It will change your relationships, it will change your health. It will change everything. You can do it. You don't have to suffer a day longer, bro, you're


Billy  22:59

saying you're preaching to the choir. I love that you're doing this. Yeah, the people when they hear about self talk, and you know the what the mind thinks like, it's just too easy. But I went to a program years ago, it had to be about 1820 years ago. And they said, Look, if you want to say see what state you're in, and how much self talk is going on inside your head, do this exercise over the weekend, a Saturday and Sunday, just take a yellow piece of paper because this is what we had back then it wasn't a computer, take yellow pad and say serves me does not serve me uptight drive drive and put a what do you call down the middle of a line down the middle. Every thought that pops into your head, write down either a checkbox to the left serves me or it's negative self limiting beliefs. When I did this exercise, they said do this for two days, it took me six hours. I'm like, I'm 95% negative self limiting beliefs on the right hand side on the left hand side, it was absolutely killing me. And then they said if you want to change it, it all comes down with the language and the words that you choose to think not just what you speak, but what you're thinking consistently. And if you I call it brainwashing if you literally brainwash yourself, you can get yourself out of any type of situation internally, because everything that goes on in your fucking life starts with the self talk that's in your head. It's all a self fucking talk that goes on. People don't understand this. They think I'm a little crazy. When I talk about it, they probably think you're a little nuts until they see that it works.


Brad  24:23

And so Billy, I agree with you, it all started it is the self talk. But the self talk doesn't start with a self talk. This self talk comes from the trauma or the stress that you went through as a kid that you come came up with coping mechanisms to get you through here. So if you want to fix the self talk, it's just like back pain. If you have physical pain, the only way you can solve physical pain is to go back to the source. So when you have mental pain, it's your body's alarm system. When you have a headache, it's your body's alarm system saying something's wrong. When you feel something internally when you feel anxiety, stress, depression, it's your body. Your body is so amazing. It's your body saying Hey, something's wrong, how are we going to fix it? You don't fix it with a drug, you do not think that you might if you're an it's never gonna work, you need to go back to the source of because you weren't born with anxiety or depression. So when did it come up? And let's figure out how we can reverse that story that caused the depression that in the anxiety, right, how


Billy  25:19

many how many people over the last, I guess, 1618 months since you've been really practices? How many people have you taken into students dealt?


Brad  25:27

I probably worked with with 25 to 30 at this point.


Billy  25:31

And what is that doing to you as a man as an individual as a human to see that you're actually able to help somebody and change their life round for in a positive direction? Somebody who thought they couldn't this is it. I can't do this anymore. I'm on the brink. Like I don't know if I can make it and you come in as change your head around. What does that do for you? Because it has to be like one of the best feelings in the world to be able to serve others like that.


Brad  25:51

There's no better feeling honestly, Billy, like I talked about doing you know, I did, I did a wholesale deal kind of a wholesale deal years ago where we made $300,000. I don't know how we ever did it. But we did it. I can tell you, when I get the phone call that says you change my life. I mean, there's nothing better. Like this is what I'm going to do to the day that I die because I love it. I love it so much. It's just what what better gift could you give to a human being than taking a suffering self, I had a client that came to me. And she had OCD so bad from severe childhood trauma, that she would pick it her her her foot until the point where it bled and she couldn't walk in three one hour sessions, she stopped. And it's been months and months and months, she doesn't even think about it anymore. That was her unconscious mind protecting her because as a child, she had no control. So she had to create control for herself to survive. It's amazing what she never knew it. And I can go on and on and on with stories. Just it's yeah, it's a it's a bit of I was given this gift. And now I'm obligated. I know God put me on this planet to do this one thing. He's given me some skills. Thankfully, I'm pretty good at it. But I have such a passion to get better and better and better. And I've got I've got six books right here next to my computer, I read all the time, I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours I've studied under some of the best people, I can't get enough. And I never will stop getting enough because it's just fat, the human brain, and how suffering and the stories control us just fascinate me to to know in


Billy  27:19

your you're going to do with this at a completely different level at a super high level what you do with your business, but I see you turning this into something really special on a national level. No doubt. I can see. You're so passionate about it.


Brad  27:33

So the only way that the reason I got into now 20 years later looking at the reason I got into real estate was to make money to prove my worth. Now I am everything I do. It's about making an impact. So this is the first business I've started where I've never considered money. It's all about how can I impact the most people. And now given the fact that I know how to market I know how to talk. I know how to coach I know how to, you know lead people wrap that in with the passion and purpose I have. And I do I do think I'm gonna accomplish some really amazing things. But it's not to show how great I am. I want to I want to help people go through this transformation and see that they don't have to suffer anymore, they can find the freedom that I did to.


Billy  28:11

It's amazing brother. Tell me if people are having situations right now and they just want to have a concert with you. How do they go about like checking you out? What does that process like?


Brad  28:21

Yeah, Brad chandler.com has a really amazing three minute video about my story. And then if you just click the Contact Us button, I have literally I've given you my cell phone number, every social media, I put out a really inspirational message each day. So please follow me on social media, I want to help you. If it's not me who ultimately works with you, I don't care. I just want you to know that if you're watching this program, this amazing program that Billy puts on and you're suffering in any way shape or form anything in life, you don't have to suffer and there is a better path.


Billy  28:51

Give us all your handles. I know it's fresh handled, but just is it Brad Chandler on all the various social media sites.


Brad  28:57

So literally, if you go to Brad chandler.com forward slash contact, it'll it'll give you a list of every single one. I've got. Yeah, every every single social media platform you can you could you could be hot,


Billy  29:09

bro, I'm uh, I'm really super excited to have this interview with you. I can't I can't wait to see how you grow over the years with this because, man, I just you're shining in a whole nother light. It's amazing. Thank you amazing, but you've been given a gift. And I know you're going to be changing a lot of people's lives out there for the better. 100% Yeah, I mean, this guy's he's, he's a phenomenal business person. He's taking his life, his personal life. I can see this is going to be a mission of yours to a whole nother level. If you're having challenges, you're having issues, and it doesn't need to be the absolute worst and it doesn't need to be something little whatever it is, if you want to change it within. It starts from within, but sometimes you need help on the outside. Go to a guy like Brad, sit down with him, consult with him go to Brad chandler.com Check him out. I mean, I've seen what you've done for yourself. I've seen the tools and technologies that have helped you Turn around. And so, bro, I'm excited for you, man. You know,


Brad  30:04

I gotta mention one thing that's really important because a lot of people are gonna listen to this and being like, well, he mentioned trauma. I had a good upbringing, like no one beat me, no one lock me in the closet. You don't you don't compare yourself to bad trauma, right? There's such thing called a little little trauma and big trauma. Trauma can be anything, it can be anything that create a stressful situation. So if you felt like your mother liked your brother or your little sister more, or you didn't get your needs met, like don't think, Oh, I most of my clients will say, I asked this question on the intake. Did you have a happy childhood? Yes. Where your needs met? Yes. And when we get into talking, nine, nine out of 10 of them will be like oh shit, you're right. My chat. My childhood wasn't and this isn't to place blame by the way. This isn't like, oh, I want to show you because there is no blame your parents did the absolute best that they could do. So don't watch this show thinking well, I didn't have any big traumas. So he can't help me it's not about that. If you are struggling in any area of your life, I can guarantee you it's going to 99.9% of the time I'm going to trace it back to some stressful situation you had as a child so just just keep keep an open mind when it comes to that. It could


Billy  31:10

be anything it could be a situation in school you might have gotten bullied once it could be a situation where you didn't make the baseball team and it fucked up your head like it could have been anything that is one little trigger to give you that self doubt to give you that negative self talk which kind of like over the years it just turned you into somebody you shouldn't be


Brad  31:28

right yeah, you aren't who you think you are says rom Das.


Billy  31:32

Listen, Brad, this has been it's been special for me I love talking real estate but I even love more talking about the mind and get to the next level and I 100% I know you're an avid reader check out Jose Silva mind control Okay, nominal technologies phenomenal book, very easy to utilize tapped in. I was getting into deep alpha state like super quick once they started applying these principles like it is life changing.


Brad  31:54



Billy  31:55

I Brother, I'll see you the next one. See ya.