Unstoppable REI Wealth

115 Jay Conner The Authority in Private Money for Real Estate

Episode Summary

In this captivating episode, I sit down with Jay Connor, a private money investing expert. We explore the importance of private money in real estate, the flexibility it offers, and strategies for attracting private lenders. Jay shares his personal experience and highlights the power of self-directed IRAs. Tune in for an enlightening conversation on unlocking the potential of private money in your real estate ventures. - Introduction to Jay Connor and the importance of private money lending - Benefits of private money lending for real estate deals - Strategies for attracting private lenders and educating them about private money and self-directed IRAs - Securing private loans with collateral and protecting private lenders' investments - Utilizing private money for various types of real estate deals and structuring loan terms for maximum profitability Go grab Jay's book https://www.jayconner.com/ And listen to Raising Private Money Podcast https://www.jayconner.com/podcast/ And after that head on over to... https://easysell411.com https://billyalvaro.com https://billyssecrets.com Who knows maybe you will be our next partner? To get some neat (and FREE) Tools | Tips | Tricks to help you in REI!

Episode Notes

In this captivating episode, I sit down with Jay Connor, a private money investing expert. We explore the importance of private money in real estate, the flexibility it offers, and strategies for attracting private lenders. Jay shares his personal experience and highlights the power of self-directed IRAs. Tune in for an enlightening conversation on unlocking the potential of private money in your real estate ventures.


- Introduction to Jay Connor and the importance of private money lending

- Benefits of private money lending for real estate deals

- Strategies for attracting private lenders and educating them about private money and self-directed IRAs

- Securing private loans with collateral and protecting private lenders' investments

- Utilizing private money for various types of real estate deals and structuring loan terms for maximum profitability



Go grab Jay's book https://www.jayconner.com/

And listen to Raising Private Money Podcast  https://www.jayconner.com/podcast/


And after that head on over to...




Who knows maybe you will be our next partner?

To get some neat (and FREE) Tools | Tips | Tricks to help you in REI!

Episode Transcription

Billy Alvaro  00:00:00  Welcome to Unstoppable Real Estate Investing Wealth. My name is Billy Alvaro, aka the Unstoppable BA former billion dollar mortgage banker gone bankrupt, turned professional real estate investor, where each week you'll learn the tools, strategies, systems, and secrets myself and other highly successful real estate investing entrepreneurs use to start, grow, and scale their businesses, creating massive profits and how you can too. And we'll teach you how to put those profits to work so you no longer have to get ready to finally experience financial freedom and generational wealth. Now, let's get started. What's going on, everybody? Welcome back to another episode of Unstoppable BA Wealth. I'm your host, Billy Alvaro. Extremely excited today to introduce this next guest. but before I do, just want to give you, like, a brief update of what's happening here. The most important thing you're going to need if you're in the fix and flip business or you're going to buy and hold, of course you're going to need leads. But the next most important thing you're going to need is private money capital to take those deals down and to put them into your pipeline, either as a fix and flip, or if you want to buy and hold. And who better to have in this program the granddaddy of it all, the man who's been doing this for years, mr. Jay Connor. Jay, welcome to the show.


Jay Conner  00:01:35  Hello, Billy. Oh, my lanta. I'm so excited that you've invited me to come along, talk about the subject I'm most passionate about, that being private money. Why in the world is that? Private money has had more of an impact on mine and Carol Joy's investing business than anything else we've been doing since 2003. We've been doing this full time since 2003. And private money, when I started doing it in 2009, rocked our world. We've never missed out on a deal for not having the funding. Private money is the answer to this business.


Billy Alvaro  00:02:11  I'm just as excited as you are because I've listened to you speak in the past. Jay, you have a ton of knowledge, ton of wealth, and I want to jump right in. So why is private money so important to guys like us in the real estate space? Because we hear you can go get hard money. You go to banks for loans. So why private money? Why the allure? Why the attraction?


Jay Conner  00:02:32  Sure. Well, first of all, I've got an interesting statistic to share. I've been full time in this business now since 2003. And I've reviewed thousands and thousands of property lead sheets, of fizbos for sale by owners, off market houses. And my statistics show, and I'm a pretty good negotiator. And my acquisitionist has been with me for 15 years. Only 13% of those for sale by owners will sell to us creatively. All the others, the other 87%, what do they want? They want all the money, right? They want all the money. All the cash and so since that's the real world, and since most sellers, of course, anything in the multiple listing service that's listed, that requires all the cash, auctions, et cetera, bank owned properties, everybody's requiring the cash. So we use private money. So why private money instead of just going to the local bank? Well, I can tell you why I don't go to the local bank, for goodness sakes. I mean, I remember it like it was yesterday. It was January 2009. I called up my banker. I had been using the local bank for six years to fund my real estate deals. And I learned in January 2009, I'd lost my line of credit, had no way to fund my deals. And this was like after I had two deals under contract and I thought I still had a line of credit. So I learned very quickly about private money. Now, when I say private money, I don't mean hard money. Now, I got some really good friends, and you do, too. In our mastermind groups that are hard money lenders, I say establish as many relationships with funding sources that you can. But here's the difference on private money versus, say, institutional money, bank money, hard money, et cetera, private money. First of all, in this world, we as the borrower, we make the rules, we set the interest rate, we set the term. The traditional way to borrow money is you go to your institutional lender, right? You go to your traditional lender, and you get on your hands and knees and you put your hands underneath your chin and you say, please fund my deal. Please fund my deal. Right? Because they're in the driver's seat, they're making the rules. Well, in this world, of private money, there is no asking, there's no applications, there's no begging, there's no chasing, there's no selling, there's no persuading. Huh?


Billy Alvaro  00:05:08  There's no jumping through the hoops.


Jay Conner  00:05:11  Look, if you are a borrower and you want private money to fund your real estate deals, don't miss this. You're already approved. You're already approved, right? And you say, well, how in the world does that work? Look, Billy, since 2009, I've never asked anybody for money. I've never pitched a deal. They say, Jay, how in the world have you got eight and a half million dollars sitting on the shelf of private money at your disposal at any time? And, here's the answer. I put on my teacher hat. I put on my private money teacher hat. And you say, well, what in the world is the private money teacher hat?


Billy Alvaro  00:05:54  This is going to be some nuggets being dropped right here. I want you to hone in, listen to this. Go ahead, Jay. Sorry.


Jay Conner  00:05:59  You're good. So what I mean by putting on your private money teacher hat is what you are doing is you are teaching people in your warm market what private money is. Now, let's stop right there. There's three categories as to where you find private money. What are those categories? Well, first of all, you get private money from people that you already have a relationship with. You got some kind of relationship. They're in your cell phone, your social media. You go to church with them. You go to the Rotary club. You go to B. I,  you're in the Chamber of Commerce. Relatives, friends, co workers, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, on and on and on. You got some kind of relationship. That's one category. The second category is what I call your expanded warm market. Some people say, Jay, all my people are broke. Well, first of all, I don't believe them. But I say the more money you waller in, the more money sticks to you. So I teach people how to expand your network. I'm sure you'll agree that the correlation between your network and your net worth is a parallel relationship. So you're expanded Warren Market. The third category are existing private lenders. Where do you find these people, these individuals, these human beings that are already loaning money out to real estate investors? And they're not institutional lenders. Those are the three categories. Let's come back to the first. You put your teacher hat on teaching your private lending program. Don't worry. You say, Jay, I don't have a private lending program. Well, you will by the end of this show because I'm going to give you mine. So you just follow my program and you teach people in your warm market what private money is. You teach them about self directed IRAs and you say, Jay, I don't know nothing about self directed IRAs. Or right, there's a writer downer. That's one of your first actionable items. You want to establish a relationship with a self directed IRA company. And here's why. Over half of our 47 private lenders, Carol Joy and I've got 47 individuals right now funding our deals. That's where the eight and a half million dollars comes from. And so over half of them this is so important to understand over 50% of all these private lenders that are funding our deals are using their retirement funds to fund our deals. Well, guess what do you know, Billy? I bet you can guess. I bet you have got a crystal ball and you're going to know exactly the answer to this question. Billy, out of our 47 private


Jay Conner  00:08:41   lenders that are funding our deals, how many of them two questions. How many of them do you think had ever heard of private money and how many of them do you think had ever heard of self directed IRAs?


Billy Alvaro  00:08:53  I'm going to say probably less than 5% on each.


Jay Conner  00:08:57  Well, you're exactly right because zero is less than 5%, right? So, none of them had ever heard of private money. None of them had ever heard of self rid of IRAs until I put on my teacher hat and I exposed them to what this is. You said, well, jay, how in the world do you expose somebody to that? Casual conversations I love did you know questions like, did you know there's a way you can earn unlimited money per year, tax free or tax deferred? They're not going to know. The answer to that question leads to a conversation about self credited IRAs. And so it's so easy to get the word out on automatic to where you're not running around chasing people. I mean, the worst time to be looking for private money is when you need it.


Billy Alvaro  00:09:43  of course the truth.


Jay Conner  00:09:47  Don't be having a deal under contract. And now you're out there looking for a private lender. I mean, private lenders are like your other team members. They're like your real estate attorney. They're like your CPA if you're doing rehabs. They're like your inspector, your home inspection. You don't want to be looking for them people after you got a deal under contract.


Billy Alvaro  00:10:10  Mhm, right on, brother. So let me, let me ask you this, Jay. I know you do a lot of casually speaking with people. You're bringing up the questions, you're educating them. Do you also then do seminars, webinars luncheons? Like, what does that look like?


Jay Conner  00:10:25  Absolutely. So you got casual conversations. now let me make a quick comment on casual conversations and then we'll get into the seminars as to what you can do to raise a lot of private money, like in 90 minutes. So casual conversations, I mentioned the did you know questions, right? So you're just out and about. But then you have like an intentional by the way, if you want to attract private money, it is an intentional activity. It's an intentional activity. So private lender luncheons, I have raised $969,000 in a 60 minutes ah, luncheon. And what do they look like? In fact, I've, got a husband and wife team that's been working with me for a little while. They live in Mississippi. They've already done seven private lender luncheons and raised over $3 million from those seven private by simply inviting people to a free lunch, they invite their CPA, their Realtor, right? And they teach it takes 20 minutes using my PowerPoint presentation. And you say, Well, Jay, I don't have your PowerPoint presentation. Well, you got it in my book that I'm going to give away here at the end of the show. So you just use my 20 minutes PowerPoint presentation. That teaches introduces what private money is, how they can get high rates of returns safe and securely. And it teaches in the PowerPoint when we're doing a private letter luncheon, it teaches the program what's the interest rate they can get, what's the maximum loan to value as to how they're protected. It answers the question like that they have in their head, well, what happens to you if you die? How do I get my money? And all those so you teach the program the end of the private lender luncheon. It's very soft. Who wants more information? The money's in the follow up. There's another writer downer, but the money is in the follow up. Private lender luncheon is just a nice way to introduce it, to people that are in your warm market. So then there's Zoom parties, for goodness sakes. There's one good thing that came out of COVID and of course, we still shouldn't have had COVID, but one good thing that came out of it was everybody learned how to get on Zoom and other platforms. Well, invite people that you know from out of state that don't live in your local area, but they're in your cell phone, right? And invite them to a Zoom party. That's going to teach them how to earn higher rates of return than they can earn anywhere else. Great people to invite are people in your cell phone that are retired, for goodness sakes.


Jay Conner  00:13:09   Somebody that's retired probably has got some retirement funds. Now, you can teach them about self directed IRAs, you say, Jay, I don't know anything about self directed IRAs. I got you covered. It's in my book.


Billy Alvaro  00:13:24  this is fantastic. So you've covered your tight market, your warm market. Do you have any program and any suggestions for people have had to market cold, or do you not recommend that?


Jay Conner  00:13:35  No. My land. So let me tell you my favorite cold market. So did you know that got your attention, billy, did you know that self directed IRA companies I know one in particular, self directed IRA companies, once a month. This particular one I'm thinking about on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 730 Eastern time, host a Zoom networking event. Anybody can come. You don't have to be an account holder. Anybody can come. And at, the networking party, you got individuals that have accounts at the self corrected IRA company wanting listen, wanting to loan you money, wanting to invest in your deals. So you come there to the networking party and your network, they put you in breakout rooms. While all those people have retirement funds. Here's an interesting statistic. Over 70% of account holders at self directed IRA companies want to invest in and be private lenders for real estate investors. They want to be passive. They want their retirement funds to grow. So, Billy, when I started attracting and raising private money all the way back in 2009, I was looking in addition to my warm market and teaching them. In fact, by the way, I raised over $2 million in less than 90 days just by sharing my program with people here in my local area. But when I started, in addition to that, I hired my real estate attorney, his attorney's, Paralegal, to search public records in our local county. And the Paralegal was looking for individual names, not LLCs, not companies, not institutions looking for John Smith and Sally Smith, looking for their names on deeds of trust. Most people call it a mortgage here in North Carolina. It's a deed of trust looking for individuals names on deeds of trust that had loan money out secured by real estate. Well, in 90 days, we found two people. Two people. I said, you know what? There's got to be an easier and faster way. So we started developing and we have what's called the private lender data feed, where we go out every month in our software and we get every private lender loan and their contact information that's closed in the nation. Did you know over 12,000 transactions happen a month right now in the nation between private lenders and borrowers real estate investors? And we get all their information, contact information. It comes straight from public record. So I know you want to get in the private lender data feed, it's in the book. Don't worry, I'll ship you the book. All that's in there. So anyway, these are the different categories of


Jay Conner  00:16:42   where you can find these people.


Billy Alvaro  00:16:44  How do you go about protecting them, Jake? So I'm sure that's one of the questions. A private lender, if they don't know, like they don't know about it, what are the documents that you'll train these students that are going to get your book on what to do to protect the assets, the investment of the lender?


Jay Conner  00:16:59  I'm so glad you asked that question, Billy, because we don't borrow unsecured funds. Now, you can you can legally borrow unsecured funds. You could sign a note, but don't do it. Don't put your private lenders at that risk. Don't put yourself in that position. So first of all, how do we protect them? We back every note when we're using private lenders to fund our deals, we back every note with the collateral, the securitization. So in addition to the promissory note, the private lender is going to get a deed of trust or a mortgage, depending on the state you're in, and that collateralizes the note. But what in the world does that mean? That means if you don't pay them, the property does. Which, by the way, answers the question. If you are looking to get your very first real estate deal and you haven't done your first deal yet, and you're asking the question, who in the world is going to loan me money? And I've never done a deal. And I'll tell you who's going to loan you money. People in your warm market, existing private lenders, they're going to loan you money because you're not borrowing unsecured money. If you don't pay them, the property does. We're not going to borrow more than 75% of the after repaired value. Now, I didn't say 75% of purchase price. Big difference. 75% of the after repaired value. That's why in this world of private money, you're always going to bring home a big check when you buy. I mean, who wants to get paid to buy houses, right? Well, I do. My favorite phrase on my real estate attorney's check stub, is excess cash to close. And I love me some excess cash. We always have more money wired into our real estate attorney's trust account who closes all of our deals and we bring home a big check. Now, I'm not going to bring home a big check unless there's a rehab involved. But listen, don't just think that private money is only for rehab in business. Don't think private money is just for the ugly house business. Private money you're going to use write this down private money you're only going to use when the seller requires all the cash. I don't care what condition the house is in. It might be absolutely beautiful. It might be in so, so shape. I'll tell you. For example, 411 Chatham Street, Newport, North Carolina. I bought that house not too long ago from an individual. It was a for sale by owner and the after repaired value was $240,000 and the seller wanted $90,000. Sounds like a little spread right there. And the rehab was only


Jay Conner  00:19:51   $30,000. Not a major rehab. Well, look, free and clear house, I did everything I could to negotiate to buy it with seller financing. You know, when you got a free and clear house, try to buy with seller financing. Well, the seller, Billy was one of them 87% people. And the 87%, he said, no, you give me all the cash or no deal. I said, okay, well, you drive a hard bargain. So I wrote him a check for $90,000, totally funded by my private lender. I borrowed $150,000 and I got a $60,000 check paid to me from my real estate attorney. I brought home a $60,000 check because I borrowed more than I need back to. How do you protect them? They're going to get a mortgage, so I'm not going to borrow more than 75% of the after repaired value, so they're named as a mortgage g on that, deed of trust. All right, so they're protected as the mortgagee. They're the mortgagee on the insurance policy, right? So they're going to be named as the mortgagee on the insurance policy. God forbid the house burns down, they are going to get the check made payable to them and to my company from the insurance company. So that just gives them another layer of protection. I'm also going to name them on the title policy, as an additional insured in case there's any issues down the road. And of course, they're getting that deed of trust, which is securitizing and collateralizing, that note. And by the way, private lenders never write you a check directly, right? That's another way you protect them. All their funds go into your real estate attorneys or your title company's trust account, whoever's doing your closing. And then funds are dispersed after everybody's protected and everything's on public record.


Billy Alvaro  00:21:53  That's a great point right there, Jay. When you're doing your deals, is this a short term loan, six to twelve months. Is it a longer term loan, 60 months? What does the terms look like? And are there payments when you're scheduling these private notes? I know what your answer is, but I think my audience wants to hear it.


Jay Conner  00:22:09  Sure. Well, here's the good news, and I'm glad you asked. First of all, as far as the length of note, you see, hard money, institutional money is always short term money, unless you're like doing a buy and hold rental. Right? But, typically your hard money loans, for flips are going to be six months, nine months in length. Well, with private money, there's no hurry to pay it back. My terms are either two years or five years are the length of the note, it's two years. If the private lender is loaning me investment capital, it's five years. If they're loaning me retirement funds from their self directed IRA. The reason for that is that if it's self directed IRA, they're not looking to get that money back anytime soon anyway, because all the returns are going into their self directed IRA. Now, as far as monthly payments go, when we're doing a flip, we can structure it to where there are no monthly payments. I mean, let's stop and think about this. Who wants to buy who wants to buy a piece of real estate? Take no money to the closing table, bring home a big check when you buy and make no monthly payments, you think that'll fix your cash flow right there? I mean, stop and think about it. But, now, on the other hand, I've got some private lenders that are elderly and they're actually needing monthly payments for their living expenses. They don't want their principal touched, but they want those monthly payments. Well, guess what? At the end of the day, I really don't care if they want monthly payments or not. And here's why. Let me ask you a question. Not you, Billy, but your listener there. Let me ask you a question. If you're buying a, uh, real estate and you're bringing home a big check when you buy and your lender requires monthly payments, all right, here's a tough one. Whose money are you using to make their monthly payments, for goodness sakes? Right now, of course, that money is going to run out. You got to get that property cash flowing or flipped and get out. By the way, you people that are enjoying doing wholesale deals, right? The wholesale deals, that's fantastic. I mean, a lot of real estate investors start, they start with wholesaling deals. But here's my guess. If you're looking to do your first wholesale deal and you haven't done it yet, when you get that first wholesale deal, or that second, or that third, Billy, my guess is we got some listeners here that are going, HM. If I'd had the money to stay in that deal, I could have made 78 grand


Jay Conner  00:24:54   instead of 7800. And let me tell you something, I like 78,000 better than 7800, to tell you the truth. And so, private money, if you're a wholesaler, it gives you the option to stay in the deals that you want to stay in and wholesale the rest. Yeah.


Billy Alvaro  00:25:12  Cherry pick those deals, put the big profits down your pocket, and just get rid of the rest of love that love that concept.


Jay Conner  00:25:17  


Billy Alvaro  00:25:19  Jayyou're a wealth of knowledge. You've been doing this just forever, man. Like, it just rolls off your tongue. Give me a little role play. I know you went into it a little bit, but if you're speaking with somebody about private money and you're having a one on one conversation, let's give the audience, the listeners on how that conversation will go so we can give them an understanding of what that sounds.


Jay Conner  00:25:38  Well, you know, this reminds me, Billy, of. I was eating Sunday lunch at Smithfield's Fried Chicken and Barbecue Joint. And while I was having lunch there this fellow named Bruce, was working and had been with Fannie Mae. Now, stop and think about that for a second. He'd been with Fannie Mae for 27 years. Wow. And we're having lunch at Smithfield's Fried Chicken.


Billy Alvaro  00:26:10  So he worked at Fannie Mae for 27 years?


Jay Conner  00:26:13  Yeah. And he was still with him when I'm having this conversation. Okay. So we're having lunch. we're eating there, and we're visiting a little bit. And I said, Bruce, let me ask you a question. I said,  did you know that there's a way that you could earn unlimited money per year, either tax free or tax deferred? And he says, Well, I know about tax deferred, but how can I earn money tax free? And I said, well, have you heard of self directed IRAs? Now, stop and think about this a second. He's been with Fannie Mae for 27 years. I said, have you ever heard of self directed IRAs? He said, well, at Fannie Mae, we've got our retirement fund, and I can self direct where I want my money invested. I said, well, let's drill down on that a little bit. Bruce. You say you can self direct. Can you direct your retirement funds anywhere you want to, or do you have to choose from the list of funds in your retirement plan? Well, we have to choose from our know the retirement plan. I said, well, what if there was a way that you could earn tax free money and you got to choose, really, where you wanted to invest your money? He said, well, how do I do that? I said, you ever heard of private money? He said no. And I said, well, private money and private lenders, are when you, as an individual, take either your investment capital or your retirement funds or a portion of your retirement funds, and you become a private lender. You loan money out to real estate investors like myself, and I securitize your note, and you earn high rates of return, very high rates of return, safely and securely, and there's no limit to the amount of money that you can earn per year. He says, well, that sounds interesting, Jay. He says, But I can't do business with you for another three years because I'm not going to retire for three more years. I said, how do you know that? He said, Well, I'm sure I can't use any of my retirement funds until I retire. I said, Bruce, here's what I want you to do. I said, I want you to, bear in mind I'm talking to a guy at Fannie Mae 20 years. I said, I want you to contact your plan administrator. There's a writer downer. I want you to contact your plan administrator of your retirement funds. And I just want you to ask them the question, do you have the option, with no tax effect, to pull out any percentage of your retirement funds and invest elsewhere, without you having to pay any kind of penalty? He said, sure, I'll check it out. And by the time in this conversation,


Jay Conner  00:28:57   he already knew that I was paying 8%, to my private lenders and where his retirements funds were at the time, it was very volatile, right in the stock market. Very volatile. That's another thing that private lenders absolutely love, is that they don't have to worry about any, value of their investment going down due to volatility, because in this water, private lending, their investment amount, principal loan amount remains the same until cash out and they know exactly what the rate of return is going to be. So he contacts his, uh, um, plan administrator, asks the question, and can you believe his plan administrator says, well, you've been with us for 27 years. You can move with no penalty if you want to, up to 50%, of the value of your retirement funds. Bruce says, okay. So Bruce transferred no taxes, no penalties, transferred half of his retirement funds over to the self directed IRA company that I recommended. And he's a fantastic private lender for me right now. So there's a number of takeaways, there's a number of lessons from that little story. But one big takeaway is you want to be familiar with how people can use their retirement funds in addition to just their liquid capital, and become a private lender for you, Jay, I.


Billy Alvaro  00:30:29  Want you to touch on that was a great story, by the way. Tons of nuggets in there that I know the listeners are going to be acting, upon. One of the things I know they're asking, I know the answer, but I want you to share. How could he grow his money tax free? Not tax deferred, but tax free? I know the legal loophole. I want you to go into that.


Jay Conner  00:30:47  Sure. So the way someone can. Grow their money tax free. Here's one example. There's more than one way. So here's one example. They can open up, or if they already have a Roth IRA. So the Roth IRA in their retirement account. Here's the way it works. The reason that's tax free is because a Roth IRA money that's in it is money that's been put in it that's already had taxes paid on it, in contrast to, say, a 401. So if it's a 401K that someone has or a pension and they move it over to the self directed IRA, that's what's called before tax dollars or before tax investment. But they're not going to pay any tax on that until they take, a, distribution, right? So all the money that they earn, even on a 401, is tax deferred. And then they're not going to distribute it, typically until they're older, right after 59 and a half. And they'll be paying taxes at that time on the tax rate that they are in at the time that they take the distribution.


Billy Alvaro  00:32:03  Good. I mean, in the 30 minutes we've been on this webinar, right, this podcast, you have just spewed out a ton of nuggets and wealth to the audience. Now, I know you have a book that goes into all this you've put together, and I'm grateful to say you're actually going to be offering this book for free if they pay for shipping and handling. Tell us about the book and how they can get it.


Jay Conner  00:32:26  Jay sure. I'm so excited about my book. It's called where to get the money now. And the subtitle of the book is how and where to get money for your real estate deals without relying on hard money lenders or institutional lenders. Again, establish all the relationships you can with your funding sources. But this book right here, Where to Get the Money Now, will put you in the driver's seat of your real estate investing business. You can get the book for free. Just pay a couple of bucks to cover shipping and handling. Get the book for free at, www dot jconnor. And I'm an e r, not A-O-R. Jconnor. Jayconner.com book. B-O-O-K again. That's Jconnor. Jayconner.com book. And since you're here on Billy's amazing podcast, that means you enjoy podcast. So if you really want to get a bunch more information on, private money, follow me on my podcast, which is Raising private money. Imagine that. My podcast is raising private money with Jay Connor. You can tune in on your favorite platforms itunes, Spotify, you name it, we're there. Come join me and come join the party. I have two shows a week, Mondays and Thursdays. I always have amazing guests telling their own personal stories about how they raise a lot of private money really fast.


Billy Alvaro  00:34:00  Love it. Jay and I just want to point out to the listeners, this is not an ebook. This is an actual physical. Yeah. This is a bound book that you're going to be getting in the mail right you're flipping it over right now. For those that are listening, take them up in this offer. Follow Jay. He's an amazing human being. He gives back. He cares about his people. You're constantly educating. You have the values that I want to connect with, and you just have the energy, bro. You have the absolute best energy. You just come on and bring it. And I so appreciate you, brother. Thank you so much for joining us today, Billy.


Jay Conner  00:34:30  It's so good to always be around know I've known you for a long time, fellow Mastermind member. What a privilege it's been for you to have me on. God bless you. And I can't wait to see you at an upcoming event.


Billy Alvaro  00:34:42  For sure, brother. Thanks again. It.